News in NSP (2/23/2017)

Icons indicating Ticket changes

NLXID: REQ0000751

In Dashboard and in ticket lists (Views) there are indicators displayed that inform the Assignee that comments have been added or the ticket has been changed by other user (End User or other Agent).

The Agent can control the display of the icons in Dashboard Configuration. In Views the icon columns are default enabled.

Icons are shown only for Assignee in ticket. The icons remain in the list until the Assignee opens the ticket.

Three different icons could be shown:

End User comment: A new comment has been added by End User (Requester).

Agent comment: A new comment has been added by other Agent (not ticket Assignee). This icon will be shown also if an Agent that is ticket Requester has added a comment.

Updates done by Agent: Other Agent (not ticket Assignee) has made changes in any property field in the ticket.



Setting to set solution comment in close popup to public as default

NLXID: REQ0001073

New setting in Global Configurations -> Configuration for closing Tickets:

Set as public comment default in close popup: When Agent close ticket that not have a mandatory comment (e g a solution comment) a popup is opened where Agent can submit the mandatory comment. If this checkbox is enabled the popup comment is marked as Public by default, otherwise it is marked as Internal.


New tags in Email Text Templates

NLXID: REQ0001077

   All public solutions: {comment.AllPublicSolutionComments}

   Latest public comment: {comment.LatestPublicComment}

   Latest public author: {comment.LatestPublicCommentAuthor}

   All public comments: {comment.AllPublicComments}


Additional Power User setting

NLXID: REQ0001111

The two settings are toggling, only one can be enabled (if none of them is enabled all users could be selected in On behalf of:

   Allow only for own organization. This will override other permission settings: You can choose only users belonging to same (your) organization in On behalf of. In Check my existing Tickets an End User can see all tickets created by users in own organization.

   Allow own organization + organizations given by roles: You can choose users in your organization and users in organizations you have got permission via a role you have been assigned. In Check my existing Tickets an End User can see all tickets created by users in own organization and in organizations user have got permission via an assigned role.


Search for ticket identifier Key also in email body

NLXID: REQ0001319

New setting in Agent Portal, checkbox in Ticket Identifier Prefix section:

Check for ticket identifier in email body (subject is always checked): If this checkbox is enabled the system will search for the identifier prefix in both the email subject and body text. If not enabled system search for prefix only in email subject.


Language setting for LDAP synchronized users

NLXID: REQ0001176

New field in LDAP Server Job form:

Select default language for new created users: When a new user is created in NSP (from AD synchronization), the default language for the user will be set to this language.

If option Auto update from AD is set, a new user is authenticated on the live domain (user does not exist in NSP when logging in). If no default language is available, the user language is set to English.


Column Assigned could be hided in SSP

NLXID: REQ0001380

New setting in Self Service Configuration -> Tickets

Hide column Assigned: Check this box if you don´t want the End Users to see the names of the assignees in My Tickets list on SSP.

Setting will hide this column:


Agent Portal and Self Service Portal settings moved to Configurations

NLXID: REQ0001381

Settings form have been moved from Account Management to own items in Settings -> Configuration. The reason is that it should be possible to control the Settings privileges by Role permission settings.

New items in the Permission form, tab Configuration:


New option in Work Log

NLXID: REQ0001382

New property on Work Log: Invoiceable.

5.  Invoiceable: Checkbox used to mark the Work Log for invoice.


Automatic Time Registration/Work Log Creation

NLXID: REQ0001164, NLXID: REQ0001395

Work Log Timer

Work Log Timer records the time the ticket form is opened.

Fields for timer is displayed only if Work Log Timer is enabled. Timer fields includes a Save Work Log button and a label displaying the time. The label is editable, you can manually change the time.

If it is enabled the timer starts automatically when Agent opens the ticket form (both Restricted and Edit form).

When you click Save Work Log button a popup with work log data is opened. You have to select Agent Rate Type and input other data before saving the work log.

When you close the ticket form without the work log has been saved, you will get a message; Work Log not saved. Are you sure you want to continue? If you click OK in this message popup the ticket is closed and no work log is registered.


Role Permissions: System Menu tab split into Configuration Menu and Agent Menu

NLXID: REQ0001398

The System Menu tab is split into two tabs, will make it easier to separate permission settings for Agents and Administrators.

Permissions - Configuration Tab

In Configuration tab you define access permission for different parts of Configuration functions (e g Manage, Channels, Business Rules, Settings, CMDB, Contracts and Entities Management) should be available for users assigned to the current selected role.

Permissions - Agent Menu (left panel) Tab

In Agent Menu tab you define access permission for top level features and functions in the left navigation panel (e g Views, CI, Contract, Search and Reports).


Mapping of End User forms to Agent forms via Subtype

NLXID: REQ0001364

Function has now been added that maps End User SSP forms to Agent forms, via Ticket Subtype, when new ticket is saved via Self Service Portal.

If there are more than one Agent form - the one marked as default will be used or if none is default the latest created will be used.

If End User form does not have a matching Agent form (Subtype) the one mark as default will be used.

This means workaround in form via default values will no longer be necessary.


New checkboxes in Category Permissions settings

NLXID: REQ0001304

New checkboxes added in Category Permissions settings used to select/unselect all Entities, Groups and Organizations respective.

When you in earlier versions created a new item (Entity, Group or Organization), those were default not selected in permission settings for the categories. After you have created a new item you had to manually set the permission for all categories.

New changed behavior: If the top checkbox is enabled for a category, all new items will get permission enabled for the category directly when they are created. If checkbox is unmarked new created item will not automatically get permission for the category.


Agent User Profile

New settings in User Profile:


Enable Work Log Timer: This option adds another timer, with the purpose to measure the time the Agent handles the ticket and create a Work Log for the measured time. The timer starts directly when the ticket form is opened (both Restriccted and Edit mode). When you close the form, or when you decide to save, a Work Log connected to the ticket is saved.

Settings for Restricted Ticket Mode:

Restricted Ticket Mode (also called Simple Mode) is a feature that could be used to minimize the opening time for a ticket. If Restricted Ticket Mode is in use only most common and important data for the ticket will be loaded in the first step, but if other ticket data should be edited or handled, you need to open Edit Mode (Advanced Mode).

Disable Restricted Ticket Mode (open ticket directly in Edit Mode): If checked, full Edit Mode will be opened directly when you click a ticket in Dashboard or a Ticket View.

Keyboard configuration

NLXID: REQ0001185

Enable Shortcuts: Enable/Disable use of NSP Shortcuts. The reason for a user to disable the shortcuts could be that the key sequences are used for other purpose, e g to type a special character. To avoid conflict it maybe is necessary to disable the use of shortcuts.

Info Panel Configuration

NLXID: REQ0001230

New setting for enable/disable Info Panel popups in Dashboard and Views

Show info panels in Dashboard and Views: Enable use of info panels in Dashboard and views. Info panels are popup forms displayed when you mouse over a Subject or Requester column (only Subject column in Task lists). The info panel is opened on the right side of the column and contains basic information about the ticket or task. With use of info panels you can quickly get some details of a ticket or task, without open the form.

Note: This setting affect also the info panel containing an Agent name, displayed to inform that a ticket is already opened by other Agent.


Views: Number of rows per page

NLXID: REQ0001587

New added options for number of rows per page for a View in View Editor.

Option to select 50, 100 and All rows per page is added: