NSP Self Service Portal
NLXID: REQ0001850
NSP Self Service Portal is changed to be screen size adaptable and there for able to run also on different mobile devices. System requirements:
• Minimum screen resolution 320x480 px
• Android >= 4.4
• iPhone >= iPhone 4
• Windows >= Windows 8.1
NLXID: REQ0001834
Customization of SSP, background images, logos, text and background colors. See
NLXID: REQ0001843
SSP My Tickets: Menu options to show user´s Power User tickets (tickets created on behalf of other user) and tickets in user´s organization. |
Possible to add attached files to an announcement.
Announcement could be indicated as Important. A symbol
is then put in front of
the announcement title to indicate the importance.
NLXID: REQ0001850
New mobile app for ticket handling for Agents. App is developed and adapted to different mobile devices and operating system. System requirements:
• Android >= 4.4
• iPhone >= iPhone 5
• Windows >= Windows 8.1
• Minimum 1GB RAM memory
• Minimum screen resolution 320x480 px
Improved Search function
(Search button in the left sidebar in the Agent interface).
Fields/properties included in search for the data categories:
•Tickets: Search in fields Subject, Reference No, Description, Ticket Type, Priority, Requester (Name, Email and Organization) and Assignee (Name, Email and Group).
•Tasks: Search in fields Subject, Reference No, Description, Assignee (Name, Email and Group) and Approver (Name and Email).
•Users: Search in fields Name, Email, Organization and User Type.
•Organizations: Search in fields Name, Email and Domain.
•Knowledge base: Search in article fields Title, Reference No, Keywords and Category.
•CI: Search in fields Name, Reference No, Description, Used by (Name and Email), Managed by (Name and Email), Manufacturer, Product and CI Type.
Map view displays tickets on Map. Map view now uses Google Maps, a web mapping service developed by Google. It offers satellite imagery, street maps, 360° panoramic views of streets. Navigation control and zoom in/out is available in map.
Functionality in general is same as before.
New features/changes:
• You can enter address street number
• Map can be shown in views (before only dashboard)
• Clicking once on cluster of tickets will open them in a list preview. Clicking second time on cluster of tickets will zoom to the cluster “bounds” that contains these tickets.
• When map is used in ticket list, it will have same paging functions. This means, it will show only addresses from tickets in same page. If you switch page in ticket list view, map view will have same page and vice versa.
NLXID: REQ0001631
For Views filter setting
is remembered in current browser session. As long as NSP is active in the
session the filter will be applied each time you return the view (until you
clear or change the filter manually). If button Clear all
filter is
displayed above the list this indicates that there is a filter applied.
For Dashboard ticket list applied filters are not saved, filter is reset next time you show the Dashboard ticket list.
NLXID: REQ0001818
Two new buttons in ticket comment:
Reply email. Opens form to reply email to user that added the comment. Recipient, Subject (ticket id+subject) and comment text is filled in the form. You can edit all data, e g add more recipients, and add your reply message before sending the email. You can attach files to the email and/or you can use checkboxes to attach files that already exists connected to the ticket or comment, select Include ticket attachments or Include comment attachments. Third checkbox, Add as public comment, adds a new Public comment containing the email content. If checkbox is not activated, an Internal comment is added.
Forward email. Opens form to forward the comment as email message. All functions are similar to Reply email, see above, except that email recipient field here is empty. You have to select one or more recipients for the email.
NLXID: REQ0000922
In Views configuration function you can change the order the views will be shown. Use drag-and-drop to move a view up or down in the list.
In Dashboard Task list and in Task list for a ticket (Task List tab) the information that a task is dependent of other task has been improved. When you mouse over the Link action button in list a tooltip is displayed with Task ID and Stage of the Task that has to be completed first.
NLXID: REQ0001818
Include ticket attachments: If this checkbox is enabled, all files that are attached to the ticket description will be attachment to the direct email message.
NLXID: REQ0000922
New properties/settings for scheduled report:
•Run as: Name of user that created the schedule. User permissions for this user control the report content. Only tickets that the user has permission to reed could be part of the report.
•Language: Select language for the outgoing report. If you select User´s language the report will be created in language the user in Run as currently has selected.
Notification in the NSP application is a mechanism to send information that certain event had happened in the application. Notifications can be divided in two basic types: Event based notifications are sent when certain event happens in the system to trigger the notification.
• Time
controlled notifications are sent in relation (before/after) to a date/time
that concerns the CI or Contract.
An example is Reminder notification before
expiration of Contract end date.
• Event based notifications are sent when changes are made to a chosen property.
Available for Assignee selection: If this checkbox is enabled, the Group (and users belonging to the group) could be selected in popup/dropdown where an Assignee is selected, e g for a ticket, Service Item, etc. For End User groups this checkbox should not be enabled.
New properties and actions to manage renewal of contract:
• Auto renew could be set, contract will be renewed for a new period automatically on End Date.
• You can manually renew contract, a new period is added to current End Date.
• Period for renew could be defined, used when a contract is renewed (automatically or manually).
• New status for contract: Active (Renewed).
• Improvement of user interface, some property fields are disabled when they are not in use, etc. Improved check of property dependencies.