Released 23/04/2024
Customer Change Notes
Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's |
Category/ Kategori |
Description |
SSP, Self Service Portal, Agentportal, Attachments |
Security Improvements - Improvement in Forms for filter data source regarding with correct permissions and also added more security to prevent download of attachments on SSP without correct permissions |
Notifications |
NSP Security improvements - notifications with ticket entity link - only if agent has access by roles to entity and ticket group the ticket can be opened by the link |
Tasks |
Security improvements - possibility to load another tickets by changing a link in browser control is ignored and nothing is loaded. |
Agentportal |
Performance: SLA improvements and dashboard refresh improvements |
Email Configuration |
Email configuration - new Rule conditons for exact matchning = address, = domain or = substring |
Text Templates |
Text Template : 3 new tags added regarding ticket comments: All comments with details (all, public , private). Result of tags is comment text, created date and created by. |
Bugs |
REQ0016584, REQ0016538, REQ0016407, REQ0016796, REQ0017146, REQ0016430, REQ0016749 |
Service catalog |
SC - Some properties lost translation. |
REQ0010856 |
Service catalog |
SC - Empty space appeared as 25% when saving first time. |
REQ0016184 |
Service catalog |
SI - Visibility condition did not work when service item was created from existing. |
REQ0014455, REQ0013467, REQ0017227 |
Agent Portal |
Ticket comments - could be saved in Db with wrong EntityID after agent got error about comment couldn't be saved. On DB level now only main reference EntityInstanceId will be saved |
REQ0016825, REQ0016820 |
SSP Ticket forms: An error occurred when creating a ticket that should set SLA via conditions for General agreement |
REQ0009053 |
Agent Portal |
AP Ticket form: If you changed assignee on a ticket via autocomplete, then the ticket was not marked as edited (but not saved). You did not get a warning when closing the ticket form with the 'x' button in the tab header. |
REQ0016484, REQ0016602 |
Agent Portal |
Ticket form - it was not possible to create a new requester via ticket form if admin permission was missing in role, but this permission did not be necessary |
REQ0017086, REQ0016792, REQ0017207 |
Agent Portal |
Agentportal: Perfomance Improvements of loading comment when ticket form will be opened |
REQ0012685 |
Agent Portal |
AP Ticket form: When opening a ticket, you could not easily read the Requester name because the cursor was set to the far right in the text field, if this field was placed first in the list of fields |
REQ0016619, REQ0017130, REQ0016774 |
Agent Portal |
AP Ticket form: It was not possible to add tasks from task templates (unless you had role permissions for Manage -> People) |
REQ0016693 |
Ticket Data Templates |
AP: The tab for favorite templates (star icon) could sometimes disappear (or reappear), e.g. when pressing F5 or Ctrl+F5 to refresh the page |
REQ0017005, REQ0016923 |
Ticket Data Templates |
Ticket Data Template: The ticket description was overwritten if the agent first loaded a ticket template without saving and then created a new case via Add+ |
REQ0016979, REQ0017157 |
Agent Portal |
Ticket Text Template (type comment) - tags was not replaced with values on loading comment text templates |
REQ0016508, REQ0016587, REQ0017016 |
Tasks |
AP Ticket form: It was not possible to add tasks from task templates (unless you had role permissions for Manage -> People) |
REQ0016421, REQ0017055 |
Linked tickets |
Linked Tickets: When closing linked tickets and using existing solution comment instead of requiring a new solution comment to be written, a date format-related error could occur for some languages (not Swedish) |
REQ0016687, REQ0016833 |
Entity Editor |
Entity editor, forms: When opening and re-saving AP/SSP forms, the checkbox for Mandatory field was unmarked for Urgency / Impact / Priority / Some other reference fields. So if the fields were included in the forms and mandatory before upgrade to, they were no longer mandatory after re-saving the forms. (Unless you re-marked the checkboxes before saving.) |
REQ0012783, REQ0016405 |
Entity Editor |
Entity Editor, AP Forms: If you had set default values for Urgency/Impact/Priority in a form, then it was not applied correctly in a new ticket |
REQ0016991 |
Entity Editor |
SSP Ticket form: No fields were shown when creating a ticket (silent error), when the form included multiselect field that was also set as Mandatory. (Workaround was to unmark the Mandatory flag for the field.) |
REQ0017012 |
Entity Editor |
AP Ticket form: Status combobox could show duplicates of statuses |
REQ0016384 |
Entity Editor |
AP Ticket form: Multiselect field referencing CI did not show the CIs that were previously connected to this field in the ticket |
REQ0017054 |
Entity Editor |
Entity editor: It was not possible to mark an entity to be shown (star icon), even if you had marked fewer than 20 entities. Now the limit is removed and the problem solved. |
REQ0016439 |
Entity Editor |
Serial numbers: Minor translation error in configuration dialog |
REQ0016931 |
Document templates |
Document Templates - was not possible to add document template with single chararcater in tag < n > |
REQ0016509 |
Knowledgebank |
KB article private - URL in ticket comment/mail -> article was not loaded for agents - error {{ | textBlockTruncate: 170}} was shown |
REQ0016466 |
Role/CMDB - Users could not unlock CI when they had permission to do it unless unlock all tickets were also active. |
REQ0017056 |
Report Templates |
Report header visibility is disabled in edit mode, hindering user's ability to preview the final report layout." |
REQ0014168 |
SSP, Self Service Portal |
Link CI to ticket - Some users could not see all of theirs CIs in the list. |
REQ0016325, REQ0016849, REQ0016856, REQ0016670, REQ0017070 |
SSP, Self Service Portal |
SSP Submit ticket - Browser auto-fill on drop-downs fields in SSP forms is disabled in Chrome/Edge, to ensure that selected values in mandatory drop-down fields are saved correctly. |
REQ0017127, REQ0016734, REQ0016416, REQ0016947 |
SSP, Self Service Portal |
SSP: If you were standing in a new unsaved ticket and clicked on menu "SUBMIT TICKET" or link "Home -> Submit ticket" then you were not navigated back to the page with list of ticket forms |
REQ0016606, REQ0016607, REQ0016647, REQ0016565, REQ0016579 |
SSP Configurations |
Settings: Default SSP configuration could not be saved correctly if no radio button was selected for "Default view". Now radio button is initially set to "Orders" if no button is selected. |
REQ0012524 |
LDAP Connections |
LDAP: Some customers could consistently experience connectivity problems with Scheduled syncs, even though manual syncs worked. A change is made in the authentication code. |
REQ0016675, REQ0016922, REQ0016476 |
API: getentitylistbyquery and GetEntityById failed when fetching entity Person with error "property not found: LastLoginTime on entity Person" |
REQ0017056 |
Report Templates |
Report header visibility is disabled in edit mode, hindering user's ability to preview the final report layout." |