Released 20/12/2024

Customer Change Notes HF

Change Notes NSP - release date 2024-12-20

Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's




Global Function Settings/ Globala funktionsinställningar

SC - In global function settings two new options have been added. Show only properties in ticket description and shown only selected choices. When shown only order properties in tickets is active it removes all information and only keeps properties in ticket. If show only selected choices is active then in ticket it shows only selected options ex property checkbox group has five options and only two are marked then in ticket only selected options will be shown. Improvements to visibility conditions, if a condition is not fullfilled the hidden property will not appear cart, order and ticket.

REQ0016982, REQ0016966

Knowledgebank/ Kunskapsbank

KB article: Selection/search in the field 'Author' is now presented as 'name (email address)'


Reports/ Rapporter

The fields 'TicketType', 'Group', and 'Assignee' have been added to some standard reports



SMS Accounts - New option which enables new custom connection to Telia Sergel through a custom endpoint with token-based authentication. SQL Scripts are required


CI Import

CMDB - Made it possible to import to reference fields.



CMDB - When duplicating CI quantity has been added, user can enter how many copies they want.



LDAP: Improvements for scenarios where user's email is changed in AD. If possible, the email in NSP will be updated when you log in via AD login, or when you send an email to NSP from the new address for the first time. The matching is done via Windows SID, and duplicate account is not created.


REQ0018404, REQ0018475, REQ0018427, REQ0018443, REQ0018457, REQ0018478, REQ0018510, REQ0018585, REQ0017125, REQ0018334, REQ0018623, REQ0018525, REQ0018604

Tickets/ Ärenden

Ticket description contained many empty spaces/ linebreaks if ticket was created by email.

REQ0018721, REQ0018592, REQ0018757, REQ0018759, REQ0018520, REQ0018417, REQ0018536

Ticket Notifications / Ärendenotifikationer

Ticket Notification - Variable for solution comments incl attachments did not being added to the "closed" notification on ticket.

REQ0018416, REQ0018458, REQ0018461, REQ0018477, REQ0018707

Ticket Direct Mail/ Ärende Direktmail

AP Ticket form: When sending E-mail with text from unsaved comment, the comment text was not cleared afterwards. When saving the ticket, a new comment was created unintentionally.


Ticket Direct Mail/ Ärende Direktmail

AP Ticket form, Direct mail: CC recipients were included even though you had unmarked the setting "CC pre-selected in direct mail" in the Agent Portal Settings

REQ0018699, REQ0018644

Ticket History /Ärendehistorik / Triggers

Tickets: Ticket History for Enduser comments counts was increased incorrectly and affected triggers if the condition was included.


Ticket Data Template / Ärendemallar

Ticket Data Template - it was not possible to save a new ticket initially in status Registered in stage New, if stage New was not included in stage New in associated stages.

REQ0018533, REQ0018413

Document templates /Dokumentmallar

Document Templates: The warning "Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET" when printing has been removed.

REQ0018176, REQ0018269, REQ0018089, REQ0018105, REQ0018597

Mobile Tickets / Ärenden

Agent couldn't edit tickets on mobile devices and received an error message


Mobile Tickets/ Ärenden

Agent couldn't view order information in SCO tickets


Mobile Tickets/ Ärenden

Matrix Urgency-Impact did not work correctly.

REQ0018633, REQ0017988, REQ0018346

Mobile CMDB

Agents couldn't add or edit CIs in the CMDB after it has been scanned for inventory purposes


Mobile Inventory/ Inventering

Mobile users couldn't modify the default inventory status due to a lack of options in the selection list


Mobile Inventory/ Inventering

An error occurred in the "Inventory with Mobile" app that caused the application to freeze.


Ticket form/ Ärendeformulär

AP Ticket form: On a ticket locked by someone else, it was possible (in Simple mode) to edit fields via the edit-pencil in the INFO tab header


Ticket form/ Ärendeformulär

AP Ticket: Only agents with Superadmin role could see image in user defined image component in ticket form


Ticket Entity - Views/ Ärendeentitet - Vyer

AP Ticket Views: Problem with saving view after adding a field with label containing a unicode character, e.g. an ellipsis (three dots)



CI groups - List did not load when attach CI to group.



CMDB/Import - Mapping code type with error created new type instead of using existing.

REQ0018347, REQ0018395


CMDB - History tab now shows correct status and info for manual and automatic lease termination.



CMDB - User got locked to loading screen when trying to open CI.



CI views - Filter on date property with equal to did not work.



CI view - After multiupdate has been completed, checkboxes were still marked but not visible.



CI views - Room was not updating through multiupdate in CI views.



CI Views - Update facility never populated changes to CI.


CMDB Permission/ Behörighet

Permission schemas - Search did not work for management in Entity condition restriction.



CMDB - During scan import CI groups were created.

REQ0016536, REQ0017916

Service catalog -Tickets/ Tjänstekatalog - Ärenden

SCO - View order details icon were missing for some user in advanced mode.


Service catalog/ Tjänstekatalog

SC - Checkbox group did not keep visibility condition when service item was created from existing.


Service catalog/ Tjänstekatalog

SC - Date validation did not work as intended for users who use Swedish language.


Service catalog/ Tjänstekatalog

SC - Depended services displayed group and service items differently in AP and SSP sorts now in alphabetical order.


Service catalog/ Tjänstekatalog

SC - Deleted description on property keeps returning after save.


Approval Flows/ Godkännandeprocesser

Approval flow - In mail trying to approve already approved order showed Error message in English when user was using Swedish.


Knowledgebank/ Kunskapsbank

The status filter in the knowledge base (KB) is broken after a search for 'KB' and a subsequent reset of all filters


Knowledgebank/ Kunskapsbank

Mandatory fields with default values ​​did not display the default value

REQ0018636, REQ0018720

Email configuration/ E-postkonfiguration

Email configuration was not possible to save if 'Incoming Email Account' was not a syntax of an Email address


Extension Management/ Tillåtna filtyper

Email: Embedded image from mail body was imported into ticket even though the file extension was not allowed in Settings -> Extension management


SSP Login

SSP Configuration: The login button could be placed partly outside of its panel in the AD tab on the login page, depending on settings


SSP Login

SSP Configuration Session Lifetime: The issue with short session time tokens was caused by too many records. The expired remaining entries for the authentication server will be removed.


SSP Login

Login Configuration / SSP Configuration: Background image / color on login screen is now fully transparent instead of darkened


SSP Navigation/ Navigationshantering

SSP Navigation buttons - sort order in configuration was not reflected correctly on SSP

REQ0018482, REQ0018724

SSP Submit ticket/ Skapa ärende

Submit ticket - List in Link CI did not load for powerusers when there were to many CIs.


SSP Knowledgebank/ Kunskapsbank

SSP users saw star ratings (feedback) in search knowledge base (KB) articles even after disabling the feedback feature


SSP Assets/ Inventariet

Assets - In CI views, Column with typ checkbox was shown as true all the time.


SSP Orders/ Order

Order - Path in order was not clickable in all stages.

REQ0017902, REQ0012540


GDPR: When deleting enduser accounts from the GDPR administration in the Agent portal, configured personal data fields were not cleared if the enduser had not first logged into SSP and accepted the general GDPR agreement. This is no longer necessary.



LDAP sync / AD login: If a user is deleted in the Active Directory, and another user is created with same email, then the original user in NSP was overwritten. Now the field WindowsSIDString is checked and if it differs in NSP vs. AD, then the user will not be overwritten in NSP. You have to manually free the email address for the new user, by changing the email for the original user in NSP.

REQ0013094, REQ0013878, REQ0014283, REQ0018496


LDAP sync / AD login: If a user is deleted in the Active Directory, and another user is created with same email, then the original user in NSP was overwritten. Now the field WindowsSIDString is checked and if it differs in NSP vs. AD, then the user will not be overwritten in NSP. You have to manually free the email address for the new user, by changing the email for the original user in NSP.



Teams integration - Activation did not work with a new configuration of Teams.


SCIM - Azure AD

SCIM - Provisioning on group level in SCIM application removed the roles assigned to the specific group.

REQ0018511, REQ0018691


The user was unable to log into the CTI system using their Active Directory credentials.