Order approval

In the bottom panel of the order form there is information of the order´s approval status and if you are an approver you can Approve/Reject the order here. If no approval is needed for the order the text The order is approved automatically is displayed.

For orders that needs approval following information can be displayed:

If you are an approver your decision, e g text I approved or I rejected. If you earlier have rejected the order this decision can be changed. There is then an edit icon . Her you can open popup and change to Approve.

If you are an approver and not yet has made the decision there are buttons Approve (green button) and Reject (red button). Click respective button to carry out your decision. A popup form is opened where you can enter a Remark and confirm the decision.

Approval status link. A popup form is opened showing the current approval status for the order. If an Approval flow that involves multiple approvers is in use you here can see the status, which part of the flow has been put through and what is next step in approval process, etc. If approvers in the flow has made remarks/comments you can read them in tab Remarks. If a Group is set as approver you can click the group to open a new popup showing the name of the approvers and their decision.


Super approver function allows the user to approve any order regardless of whether it is in the approval flow or not. You can assign this right to the user in Roles & Permissions in the Entity Actions – Order – Approve all orders section. If the user approves the order in this way, the name of the user who approved the order and the *super approver tag will be written in the Approval status.