Service Catalog Terms & Concept

Service Catalog (SC) is the feature that enables the service provider an easy, effective and structured way to organize and display services they offer to their customers (end users).

Service Catalog Category is the categorization structure for the Service Catalog. Categories are organized as a tree data structure. Each category may have subcategories and a parent category.

Service is any kind of service that NSP user offers to their clients.

Service Item is the representation of the Service as a formatted data structure in the Service Catalog. Each Service Catalog Item must belong to a certain Service Catalog Category. The item has a defined price (0 if service is offered free of charge) and delivery terms.

Service Order is the order of the individual Service represented by Service Catalog Item in the Service Catalog by one End User (Requester).

Service Request is a ticket generated when a Service Order Item is submitted by the end user and approved by Approver if approving is defined for the given service. Processing of the ticket actually delivers ordered Service to the Requester.

Requester is the end user to whom the Service should be delivered.

Ordered by is the user who places a Service Order. That is usually the same user as the Requester, unless the user have authority to place order on behalf of another user.

Approver is the user who will approve Service Order. Without approval Service can’t be delivered, if the Service is set to require approval. Approver is defined when you create the Service Catalog Item.

Default Assignee is the Agent that the created Service Request will be assigned to by default. Could be a single Agent or a Group. Assignee is defined when you create the Service Catalog Item.

Estimated Delivery is the time that service provider sets for each Service. It gives estimation of the time needed for the service delivery. Estimated delivery is defined when you create the Service Catalog Item.

Price is the cost of the offered Service when applicable. Services that are free of charge have the zero price. Price is defined when you create the Service Catalog Item.

Tax is the value added on the Price. 

Valid From is the date when Service described with Service Item will be published and accessible through the Service Catalog.

Valid To is the date when the published Service Item will be retired and no longer available in the Service Catalog. This property is optional. Service Item without Valid To date set, will be available until its Status is manually changed to Retired.

Status is the descriptor of the current status of the Service Catalog Item. Following default statuses are defined:

  Draft status indicates that creation of the Service Catalog Item is still in progress.

  Pending Publish status is given to the Service Catalog Item when applied for publication in the Service Catalog. Waiting for Valid from date.

  Published status is the status of the Service Catalog Item when it is visible and usable in the Service Catalog. That enables ordering of the Service described through SCI. 

  Unavailable status is given to the Published SCI when, for some reason SCI is not available at the moment (out of stock, leave, sick leave) but not yet ready for archiving.

  Archived status indicates that the SCI is withdrawn from the Service Catalog and corresponding Service is no longer available for ordering.

Status is the descriptor of the current status of the Service Order Item. Following default statuses are defined:

  Pending Approval status is given to the placed Service Order Item when approval is needed but the SOI is not yet being either approved or rejected.

  Accepted status implies that the SOI is approved, and corresponding Service Request case (ticked) is created.

  Rejected status implies that the SOI is not approved and thus, no case is created.