SLA/OLA Dashboard

SLA/OLA Dashboard report is represented in different gauges showing SLA/OLA data. Each gauge has a scale from 0 to 100 in % (percentage). The data displayed can be filtered using date filters.

Four types of statistics are displayed:

  % Resolved within target

  % Dispatched

  % Reopen

  % Created by users

% Resolved within target

This category presents tickets which have SLA/OLAs associated and have no missed SLA/OLA deadlines. Three gauges representing the three different priorities: Critical, High and Medium showing percentage of the tickets that have fulfilled SLA/OLA target.

% Dispatched

In this category, the system counts tickets having at any time changed values in Group or Assignee properties. This means that the gauge here shows the percentage of tickets on which the process has started.

% Reopen

In this category, the system counts tickets having at any time changed Status from Closed to Reopened.  This means all tickets that have been closed but due to any issue get opened again.

The gauge represents percentage of the tickets that are reopened for further process.

% Created by Agents

In this category, system fetches the tickets created by Agents in the system. The gauge represents percentage of the tickets that are generated by Agents.