The shopping cart is an easy way to keep track of
multiple items you want to purchase. You can find Shopping Cart icon in Self Service
Portal header (1). Number in brackets represent number of service items
added to cart.
Below figure shows Shopping cart:
Shopping cart view
Shopping cart page is broken down in two main areas:
• Left Panel – Panel contains a lists of service items added to cart with basic information: Item name, price without tax, quantity, depended items price and total price. Each item contains Expand/collapse (2) icon to shows additional order information. Edit (3) button will open service item view with prefilled values and you will be able to edit order information. Use Remove (4) button to remove an item from cart.
• Right panel (5) – contains total price (sum of all items price) with taxes, ORDER NOW button (6) to order the items from the cart and BACK TO SERVICE CATALOG (7) button.
After submitting the order (ORDER NOW button (6)) an Order Confirmation popup is shown.