Ticket and task field settings

Option to define default Assignee:

  Default assignee for new tickets: Select default Assignee (Group or Agent) in user or group popup. When you create a new ticket Assignee will be set to this selection as default.

  Default group on ticket/task pickup: Select a Group in dropdown. This group will be used as default assignee for ticket and tasks when you pickup ticket/tasks from list. Only groups currently logged user belongs and which are marked as available in Assignee box will be listed in the dropdown.

  Task Template default assignee group: Select a Group in dropdown. This group will be used as default assignee for tasks when adding them from a Task Template. Primarily system use the ticket assignee´s group as assignee for the tasks. If assignee group doesn´t exist, this setting will be used as default.

  Enable data source Requester/CC filter: Enabling this option will allow user to search Requester by filters: All/Internal/External.

All: Return all users

Internal: Return only users from currently logged in user’s organization and users with the same e-mail domain

External: Return only users which are NOT belong to currently logged in user’s organization and users with the different e-mail domain

Enabling this option, you also need to choose default Requester/CC filter.

Requester/CC filter will be displayed in: Ticket details form, Ticket details form browse, Ticket simple view quick edit, Ticket simple view quick edit browse, Direct ticket email form.