Ticket Change Icons

In Dashboard and in ticket lists (Views) there are indicators displayed that inform the Assignee that comments have been added or the ticket has been changed by other user (End User or other Agent).

In Dashboard can the Agent control the display of the icons in Dashboard Configuration form (in the upper right corner of Dashboard). Here you can enable/disable the icons for display set the position of the icon columns.

In Views the icon columns are default enabled (not possible to disable) and displayed leftmost of the row.

The icons remain in the list until the Assignee opens the ticket.

Three different icons could be shown:



End User comment: A new comment has been added by End User (Requester).

Agent comment: A new comment has been added by other Agent (not ticket Assignee). This icon will be shown also if an Agent that is ticket Requester has added a comment.

Updates done by Agent: Other Agent (not ticket Assignee) has made changes in any property field in the ticket.