Translation Management

Translation Management tab is used to manage translations for the language tags in the system. This tab provides both possibilities to search for and translate language tags directly in the interface, and tools for export/import xml files.

At the top of the page NSP Standard Language is displayed. This language is defined when NSP is installed and it is the master language in all translations.

In dropdown below you select Translation Language for which you want to see translation tags. Dropdown contains all Active languages, see section Language Management.

After choosing Translation Language the list with all translation tags for the chosen language, and additional options will appear.

The list displays five columns:

   Translation Key: Name of the language key used internally in the system to define the tag.

   Type: System Defined or User Defined.

   NSP Standard Language Text: Text value of the tag in NSP Standard Language.

   Translated Text: Text value of the tag in selected Translation Language.

   Locked for import: If this column is marked  this language tag is locked for updates via import of xml file. Old value will be kept also if xml file contains a new translation. If you have customer customized translations you should activate the lock (lock is enabled/disabled in Edit form), then the value will be kept when you upgrade NSP to new versions and import new xml file provided by NSP manufacturer or vendor.


Rightmost on the row there is an action button Edit. See Edit Translation keys.

Translation Management Tab:

Translation Management

Just next to the Translation Language dropdown there are buttons for Import and Export, see section Import/Export Language files.

Above list there are checkboxes to filter the list:

   Entities filter is dropdown and used to filter list by entity type. You can select All Entities, CI, Contract, Knowledge Base Article, Ticket or Other to filter the list to contain only language tags belonging to the selected entity. As default All Entities is selected.

   System Defined. Checkbox to display/not display System Defined tags, the language tags which are part of the NSP installation and common for all NSP systems. This includes e g texts in user interface, error messages, default entities, types and properties. All language tags, both System Defined tags and User Defined tags are displayed as default.

   User Defined. Checkbox to display/not display User Defined tags, the language tags which are unique to the specific NSP installation. This includes e g names of user defined entities, templates, types and properties.

The list content is a combination of all selected filters. Reset all filters option is used to reset all filters and return the display to its initial state.

Search, sorting, filtering and paging functions are similar to other lists in NSP, see section General User Interface.