User call history view

Call history view is a detailed call logs view per user. It contains user call logs information. This view is also used for add new log, edit or delete existing one. These action can be done using links on the far right on every call.

User info

Left panel is the data from the user profile page.

Call history

Right panel contains a list of all call logs and also offer possibility for adding manual log. You can also use this page to edit or delete existing logs.

You can filters the list in regards to:

   With ticket reference is using to filter logs with/without ticket reference

   With comment is using to filter logs with/without comment

   All sources is using to filter announcement by log source (Default, Lync and Skype). Free version of Skype only works up until Skype version 7.40.

Search, Filtering and paging functions are similar to other lists in NSP, see section General User Interface.

The system searches for the keyword in the columns Source and Comment.