View Editor Fields

Note that Entity Group and Ticket Type must be selected before you start input remaining fields. The fields displayed are dependent of the selection of Ticket Type. Fields are:

   Strong Name: Enter the unique name which is used to identify the View in the system internally (language independent).

   Localizations: In this field you enter name for the View (name displayed to the user). This field includes one textbox and one dropdown box. You select language from the dropdown box and then enter desired name in the text box. You can set view name for one or more languages.

   Scope: This field defines who could see the view. The field has four options to select: User Specific, Group, Organization, and System Wide. If System Wide is selected all Agents will have access to the view. If one of User Specific, Group or Organization is selected, Scope button icon is displayed beside the dropdown list. This button opens a popup displaying users (Agents), groups and organizations respectively. Select who should have access to the view in checkboxes. Click on Select button to apply. Clicking on it saves the details and closes the popup. Note that users assigned to the SuperAdmin role has fully permissions in the system and can see all views. For users assigned to this role system never check scope settings and settings then have no effect. SuperAdmin permissions cannot be restricted.

   No of rows per page: Select no of rows per page when displaying the View. Dropdown with values 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 and 100.

   Is SSP view – mark this checkbox if you want to display this view on SSP as well. View will be listed on My tickets page on SSP.

   Table Columns: In this section you select the columns to be displayed in the View list. Mark an item in the left (Available columns) list and select  button to add the field as a column in the view. The field is added to the right list (Selected columns). You can change the order of the selected columns by using the arrow buttons right to the list. Mark an item in the Selected columns list and click  to unselect it.

o Mobile: For each field in Selected columns list a checkbox (Mobile) is displayed. Check the fields you want to be displayed in the mobile app version of the view.

   Include SLA/OLA Column: This option adds SLA/OLA field in View. This option is only available when creating Ticket views.


o Condition type: This option is to select filter condition from pre-defined condition types. Note that this option is only available for Ticket Entities. Following pre-defined conditions are available in dropdown; Assigned to me, In my group(s), Unassigned Tickets, Recently solved, Closed, Rated Tickets, Overdue Tickets.

o Advanced filtering: You define here additional filter conditions for the view (the selected filter in Condition type is valid even if you are adding additional filter here). The section is displayed with three fields: dropdown list to select condition type, Add New Condition button and Add New Sub Condition button:

§ Condition Type: Two options are available here: All and Any. You can select All to require match of all the conditions and you can select Any if match any single condition from the conditions defined is enough.

§ Add New Condition: Initially no condition is added. You click Add New Condition button to add new condition for the selected condition type. Clicking this button shows the dropdown list for fields (columns) in new row. When you select any field from the dropdown, few more inputs are displayed in the same row. You have to select or enter appropriate value in those input fields. You can move the conditions by drag and drop.

§ Add New Sub Condition: When you click this button four fields: Condition Type, Add New Condition, Add New Sub Condition and Remove button are displayed below parent conditions. The functionality of these three fields is similar to the functionality described above. This functionality is used to define sub conditions which can be matched to fulfill any single condition. For example, if you want to execute actions when “Registered Ticket” and “Priority is Critical or Priority is high” then you need to define sub conditions for the second condition of priority using Any condition type. Note that sub conditions can be defined only up to three levels for any condition.

   Sort order: In this option you define sorting order for the list in the View. Initially no sort order is defined. Click Add (+) button to add a sorting condition. Two fields are then displayed in a row; Field Name and Sort Order. Field Name contains the selectable columns. Select column to which sorting should be applied. Sort Order contains three fields; None, Ascending and Descending.  Another sort condition could be added by clicking Add button displayed in the next row. You can also reorder the sorting conditions by drag and drop.

   In the Preview section at the bottom of the page the column headings you have selected are displayed. Column order could be changed by drag and drop the headings. The column width could also be adjusted. You can select a column to group the view result by drag and drop it in the field above the column headers.

   Preview: When you click this button, a popup window is displayed to preview the View based on the details entered.

   Marking check box Collapsed view when grouped (by parameter you choose) allows you to auto-collapse grid rows for the selected view.