Agent Hourly Rates

Configurations > Manage > Agent Hourly Rates

Agent Hourly Rate is cost of the agent’s work for one hour.  The list shows all Agent Hourly Rates existing in database.

Just above the list is button Add Rate and by clicking that you can create new Agent Rate. The opened form offers possibility of defining agent rate details, so you have to input:

      Agent (required field). This field is auto-complete and also contains browse form for ease of reference.  You can choose some of user defined in NSP.

      Rate Type (required field) which is dropdown field and you can choose some of Agent Rate Types defined in NSP.

      Rate (required field). Hourly rate in the selected currency.

      Currency (required field). Select currency in dropdown.

Agent can have different rates for different currencies, as well as different rates in the same currency depending on Rate Type. That means that you cannot add more agent hourly rates for one agent with same Rate Type and Currency.

This list contains also links to edit or delete existing Agent Hourly Rates.

Above list, is feature for filtering list by currency: Currency dropdown. By dropdown selecting you can filter list to show all hourly rates or just hourly rates in the selected currency.

Searching, sorting, filtering and paging functions are similar to other lists in NSP, see section General User Interface.