Add new Service Catalog item

For adding new service item just click on Add Service item button above the table. Adding new service item is done in six steps.

First step – Start

Service Item can be created in two ways. Using new, empty template or based on a copy of an existing SCI.

Step 1 - Start

1.  Create new – Select this radio button in case you want to create new service item and click Next (7) button or Properties (5) tab to proceed to the next step.

2.  Create from existing Service Item – Select this radio button in case you want to create service item from existing items. When you select this button list of all existing service items (3) enables and you can search list using search box (4). 

3.  List of all existing service items – Initially this list is disabled, but in case you select Create from existing Service Item this list is enabled and you can search service item which you want to use for creating new one.

4.  Search – search feature in this section allows you to search existing Service Item from the list if you select Create from existing Service Item. You enter keyword related to the Service Item that you want to find. Search box here comes with the autocomplete feature. As soon as you types the keyword in the search box, the auto complete box gets filled with the search result. You can select desired Service Item from that box. System searches for the keyword in following columns: Id, name, category, currency, status.

Use Cancel (6) button if you want to cancel adding new service item.

Use Next (7) button to proceed to the next step.


Second step – Properties  

In this step you define all SCI properties. There is a set of default properties that are same for all SCI, those could not be changed, and two segment for adding custom fields (Specific information and Order information).

Service item properties

1.  General information: List of default properties that each SI has and which are same for all SI categories. In this step this list is disabled, you edit the information in the next step, Data (5).

2.  Specific information: List of fields that will additionally describe the service item. You define property field types and field headers. Data will be filled by the SCI creator later in the next step, Data (5), of the creation of the SCI.

3.  Order information: List of custom fields the end user must fill in order to make a valid Service Order. You define property field types and field headers.

Adding specific and order information are done in the same way. Add fields here working with drag and drop principle and are similar to add fields or properties to other entities, see Custom Entity forms / Property editor.

When you create property fields you can create field headers in different languages.

All custom fields, respectively properties can be deleted. Click the field and select Delete in popup.

When all fields are created, use Next (10) button or click on Data (5) tab to proceed next step.

Use Save as draft (8) button to save service item as draft. Form stays open and service item will be saved with Draft status and all properties and values you set in this steps will be saved. In case that the service item has status different from Draft, Save as draft button is called Save.

Use Save & Close (9) button to save service item and close form. Form closed and service item will be saved with current status and all properties and values you set in this steps will be saved.

Use Cancel (7) button for canceling form. Form will be closed and service item will be saved with current status but properties and values will not be saved.

Use Cancel & Delete (6) button to cancel form and delete service item.


Third step – Data

In this step you fill General and Specific information of the Service Catalog Item. Data shall compose a complete description of the Service Catalog Item that is offered to customers.

Managing languages

When you input data in fields that are defined as multilingual (Name, Short description, Long description and fields in Specific information fields defined as translatable) following rules are in use:

When SCI is saved first time (create SCI from new empty template) all data values are saved in NSP Standard Language. If Agent has not selected the standard language when creating the Service Catalog Item a symbol  is displayed at the top of form to warn/inform user that data will be saved in other language than Agent has currently selected.

When Agent edit a Service Catalog Item all data are saved in language that Agent has currently selected. Correct working process to create a SCI in several languages is:

1.  Select NSP Standard Language in your user profile Settings.

2.  Create the Service Catalog Item in NSP Standard Language (all steps and Save).

3.  Change language to language 2.

4.  Edit Service Catalog Item in language 2.

5.  Repeat 3-4 for all other languages in use.

General information contains list of all default properties that each SCI has and which are same for all categories.


In following table you can find list of default SCI properties:



Image path

Upload image which will represent SCI.


Text field. Name of SCI. Saved as a user defined language dependent value, could have different value for different languages.

Service category

Dropdown field. You can choose from Categories defined in Service Catalog.

Short description

Text field. Name and Short description are displayed on Service Catalog home page. Saved as a user defined language dependent value, could have different value for different languages.


Text area field. There are formatting tools to format text, and you can add images and links. Saved as a user defined language dependent value, could have different value for different languages.

Valid from

Date and time field.  Choose date from which SCI should be valid (Published). Time is set to current time as default when you create a new SCI.

Valid to

Date and time field.  Choose date which SCI shall no longer be valid (Archived). You don´t have to define this time. If it is not set the SCI will be valid until it is manually archived.


Current status of SCI. Default value for a new item is normally Draft. More information, see Service Item default lifecycle.


Dropdown field. You can choose from taxes defined in NSP. Must not be defined, if not selected no tax is added to the Price.


Decimal field. Insert SCI price in selected Currency.


This field defined standard currency and cannot be edited. SCI Price shall be defined in this currency.

Estimated delivery

Number field. Insert number, forms together with Estimated delivery time unit estimated delivery time.

Estimated delivery time unit

Dropdown field. You can choose Minutes, Hours, Days, Month and Years. Forms together with numeric value Estimated delivery estimated delivery time.

Quantity field

Checkbox field. Select this field if you want to allow ordering larger quantities (>1) of this item. A field for quantity is added in Service Catalog where Requester must input number when ordering SCI.

“On behalf of” field

Checkbox field. Select this field if you want to allow “On behalf of” ordering for this item. Person creating the order and the Requester can then be different users.

Approval needed

Checkbox field. Select this field if selected authorized  Approver must approve the order before it enters the delivery process.

Hide price information

Checkbox field. Enable this field if provided service is free of charge for the requester. No information concerning price, tax or currency is displayed for the service item.


In this step you also fill values for Specific information (2) which you defined in previous step.

Ordering information (3) shows properties for ordering which you defined in pervious step, but you cannot edit. Ordering segment in this step is disabled, data should be input by Requester when ordering SCI.

Use Next (11) button or click on Ticket settings (5) tab to proceed the next step.

Use Back (10) button or click on Properties (4) tab to go to pervious step.

Use Save as draft (8) button to save service item as draft. Form stays open and service item will be saved with Draft status and all properties and values you set in this and pervious steps will be saved. In case that the service item has status different from Draft, Save as draft button is called Save.

Use Save & Close (9) button to save service item and close form. Form closed and service item will be saved with current status and all properties and values you set in this steps will be saved.

Use Cancel (7) button for canceling form. Form closed and service item will be saved with current status and all properties from pervious step will be saved but properties and values from this step will not be saved.

Use Cancel & Delete (6) button to cancel form and delete service item.


Fourth step – Ticket settings

In this step you define ticket settings for Service Order ticket. After ordering and approve, if specified, a ticket is created for handling the delivery.

In this step you define Ticket Subject and default Assignee (Agent or Group).


Ticket settings

Subject (1) define ticket subject, see below.

Default assignee (2) define assignee of created ticket. This field has auto-complete feature, start input name of group or agent, dropdown is shown with search result. Select assignee in dropdown. If you click the  symbol a browse form is opened. You can search for a Group or an Agent in NSP which will be assignee of the created ticket.

Use Next (10) button or click on Approval (3) tab to proceed the next step.

Use Back (9) button or click on Data (4) tab to go to pervious step.

Use Save as draft (7) button to save service item as draft. Form stays open and service item will be saved with Draft status and all properties and values you set in this and pervious steps will be saved. In case that the service item has status different from Draft, Save as draft button is called Save.

Use Save & Close (8) button to save service item and close form. Form closed and service item will be saved with current status and all properties and values you set in this steps will be saved.

Use Cancel (6) button for canceling form. Form closed and service item will be saved with current status and all properties from pervious step will be saved but properties and values from this step will not be saved.

Use Cancel & Delete (5) button to cancel form and delete service item.

Ticket Subject

For Ticket Subject customization a template form is used. Click on  button and following form appears:

Edit Ticket Subject

Fields in Edit Subject form:

1.  Templates: This box is used to define the Ticket Subject text. Text is built of a combination of plain text and Placeholder values (variables collected from the SCI data).

2.  Placeholders: Consists a list of all properties referred to Service Catalog Item. You can click the placeholder to include it in the template along with other text. These placeholders will be replaced with the actual value when the ticket is created.

3.  Add language definition: Select the language from the list to create Template for the specific language. You can select different language and then define Template for the selected language in respective textbox. Repeat the procedure for next language needed, and so on. Ticket will be created in end user (Requester) default language.


Fifth step – Approval

This step is used for selecting Service Order approval. If you select Approve needed checkbox in Data step, than in this step Default approver field is enabled and you can choose which Agent from NSP should approve service order. In case that Approver needed is not selected in the third step, than this option is disabled and you got a notification: Approval function is not activated on "Data" tab.

Approval tab

Default approver define user with permission to approve the order. This field has auto-complete feature, start input name of agent, and dropdown is shown with search result. Select approver in dropdown. If you click the  symbol a browse form is opened. You can search for an Agent in NSP which will be approver of the order.

Below the Default approver field there could be a checkbox Use Requester manager as Approver. A system setting controls if this checkbox should be available. If you enable the checkbox the service item will have a dynamic approver. System is searching for requester´s manager and select the manager as approver of the service order. If there is no manager defined system use Default approver as approver of the service order.

The system setting to activate the dynamic approver (Use Requester manager as Approver) feature is set by a database script. Contact NSP Support if you need the script (

AdManagerUserId is a standard field on Base Person entity for dynamically approve of service orders. If you have used other user defined field for this before, contact NSP Support if you need script to transfer values from old field to new standard field. To use the new field as dynamic approver you also must run a script to change the settings in database. This script you also can get from NSP Support.

Use Next button or click on Preview tab to proceed the next step.

Use Back button or click on Ticket settings tab to go to pervious step.

Use Save as draft button to save service item as draft. Form stays open and service item will be saved with Draft status and all properties and values you set in this and pervious steps will be saved. In case that the service item has status different from Draft, Save as draft button is called Save.

Use Save & Close button to save service item and close form. Form closed and service item will be saved with current status and all properties and values you set in this steps will be saved.

Use Cancel button for canceling form. Form closed and service item will be saved with current status and all properties from pervious step will be saved but properties and values from this step will not be saved.

Use Cancel & Delete button to cancel form and delete service item.


Sixth step – Preview

This step is used for final preview of the Service Catalog Item. All information you customize in pervious steps will be appear here. If you are satisfied with service item preview click Save as Pending Published and service item will be saved with Pending Publish status. Status will automatically be changed to Published when time for Valid from has been reached.

In case that the service item has status different from Draft, Save as Pending Published button is called Save and service item will be saved in current status.

In case you want to continue editing service item use Back button or click on pervious tab to back on pervious step to change and adapt desired information.

Use Cancel button for canceling form. Form closed and service item will be saved with current status and all properties from pervious step will be saved but properties and values from this step will not be saved.

Use Cancel & Delete button to cancel form and delete service item.