Add/Edit charging plan

Select button Add charging plan above the list. First a popup is displayed where you select Type for the plan, Work or Service Catalog. There are some differences in the following tabs due to the type.

When you select Edit for a plan this first step is skipped, here is the type already known.

Charging Plan is created/edited in steps, there are several tabs in the form. You can step between tabs with buttons Next or Back. When set up is finished for all tabs, click Save to return to Charging Plan list.

Tab Properties

In first tab, Properties, you enter Name and Description (translatable texts). For a Work charging plan here is also a dropdown to select charging type, Per Hour or Per Ticket (see section Work Rates) and a checkbox to choose if it shall be possible to add extra costs to worklogs created from the plan, see section Additional charges.


Tab Invoicing

Here  defines how invoices shall be created. If invoicing is disabled in your system this tab is not shown.

For a Work charging plan you select if invoice shall be created cyclically or when work charging reach a specified sum (VAT exclusive).

For a Service Catalog charging plan you can choose to create invoice per each service order or cyclically.

Cyclically invoice can be defined per Day, Week, Month or Year. For Month you can specify date (1-31) or weekday (e g second Wednesday in the month).

Invoice start date is from which date the cyclically invoices shall be created. First invoice is created at the start date and next the first time the cyclically definition is fulfilled after this date.

Payment due is used to calculate due date for the invoice.

For a Service Catalog charging plan you can also define a general discount (%) on the connected prices.


Tab Base Rate

This tab is used only for Work charging plans.

Here you select which rating shall be used, both standard rating and other rate (exceptions) when certain condition is fulfilled.

At top of form you shall define Base Work Rate (mandatory). Select link Define/Change to select Work Rate to be used as standard.

Below Base Work Rate you find the Charging Rules section. Here you can add multiple Charging Rules for specifying exceptions, when other than the Base Work Rate shall be used. Click Add charging rule, select a Rule in list, click Next and select which Work Rate to be used if the rule condition is true. Repeat for all Charging Rules you want to use. You can change the order of the rules by drag and drop of the rows. If more than one condition is fulfilled the first true rule will be used and rest of the rules will be ignored.

Rightmost on row there is a link to Remove rule.

Here you also define a general discount (%) on the connected prices. This discount will be deducted when invoice is created.


Tab Attachment

In this tab you add attachments to the charging plan. The attachments don´t affect the rating functionality. It is various document needed to describe the Charging Plan rating, customer, etc.

In form there are functions for sort, filter, search, refresh and paging similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface.