News in NSP (03/15/2019)

Log in

Auto login

In Login Configuration, External Identity Providers a new function for Auto login is added. Only one connection can have auto login enabled at the same time. 

If auto login is enabled NSP will try to login directly with this identity provider when user call NSP url in the browser. First a message is shown that user will be automatically logged in. In this message it is possible to suspend the auto login process and return to manual login. If user doesn´t stop it system will after a couple of seconds login if there is a mapping for user defined for this External Identity Provider.

Read more:

External Login Methods

Automatic login


SAML external identity provider

Nlxid: REQ0005246

NSP Authentication for SAML identity providers now support also SHA-1 cryptographic hash function. It is also added possibility to automatic map AD account to SAML external provider user.



No of active entities increased

Nlxid: REQ0003811

In Entity Editor you can select which entities that shall be active (available in the Add+ menu in Dashboard). The maximum number of entities you can select is increased from 8 to 20.

Read more: Entity Editor


Setting to disable Service Order email notifications

When user makes an order from SSP Service Catalog as default email notifications are sent containing confirmation information that order is sent to approver or it is approved. If you want to disable those notifications it can be done by a setting in database, app.GlobalSettings table.

Insert this command to disable the notifications:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'DisableSendingServiceOrderEmails', 'true'

Change to 'false' if you want to enable emails again.



Export to Excel

When you in NSP export data containing date and time fields to Excel file will format in the exported file follow language setting in the web browser. If the web browser supports multiple language is the top language in list used. Internet Explorer and Edge uses Windows setting,  whereas Chrome and Firefox has their own language setting.



Handling of GDPR legal texts

Each company has their own strategy how to handle GDPR requirements and requests from their customers. Therefore are GDPR texts that contains descriptions, instructions or legal texts unique for each NSP installation. NSP basic installation only contains general information that has to be customized by administrator.

Basic GDPR descriptions, instructions and legal texts are system defined language tags in NSP. In this version a function is inserted that automatically lock those tags and then protect the texts to be updated in future upgrades when new language xml files are imported.

GDPR descriptions, instructions and legal texts can be edited only in GDPR user interface or in Language Manager, they cannot be imported from xml file. If you want to import texts via xml file although, the texts first must be unlocked manually in Language Manager.

Read more:

GDPR Settings

Language Manager


Customer Change Notes



Nilex Ticket ID



Elastic search – reindexing.


External Identity Providers added new flag - Auto Login.


Improvements regarding SAML2-federation.


Nilex Ticket ID



Limitation of entities in NSP Change from 8 to 20 entities.


Setting to disable Service Order email notifications.


Current Date and Time shall be pre-filled in worklog form.


Worklog form: Checkbox Invoiceable shall always be available.


Nilex Ticket ID



SSP - CI property on SSP - used by + managed by was clickable and an empty pop up was shown.


Entity form with group scopes didn't work for more than one group selected.


Import from SCCM: "Streetaddress" is same on all CI.




SSP Service Catalog - user defined fileds was shown with system language tags.