Cancellation Request Management

Cancellation management enables end user of the NSP system to request cancellation of own initiated ticket. On the other hand, it enables NSP agent to process such request. In order to facilitate such functionality, request manager can be thoroughly set up. Each cancellation request is initiated through Cancellation Request.

Cancellation Request can be initiated by an end user in Self Service Portal only if this function is activated for concrete type of ticket (activated by Administrator in Settings). Otherwise, end user will only have option Close Ticket in the Ticket View. If Cancellation Request is activated for that type of ticket, then end user has possibility to ask for ticket cancellation, but the option Close ticket will disappear in this case.

After submitting a request for cancelling a ticket, agents access and use this feature in the application panel of the main NSP Agent Portal page by clicking the Cancellation ticket  icon.

This will open a page shown in the picture below:

Cancellation Request Management

Here, you can see all the requests initiated by the end users in a grid. For each request following information is displayed in the grid:

  Cancellation Requester – end user who initiated cancellation.

  Ticket ID – Id of the ticket that should be canceled.

  Request type – represent cancellation request type

  Request status – current status of the cancellation request.

  Request submission date – represents date when cancellation is created

  Cancellation management list also contains two filters:

  Cancellation request type – use this to filter cancellation requests by request type

  Request statuses – use this to filter cancellation requests by statuses

  Available actions for each request are:

  View ticket – open ticket referenced in the row in a new application tab.

  Approve – visible and available only if the request is in a Pending Approval status and you are entitled to approve it.

  Reject – visible and available only if the request is in a Pending Approval status and you are entitled to reject it.

  Refresh button is used for refreshing the list.

  Search feature in this section allows you to search any cancellation request from the list. You enter keyword related to the cancellation request that you want to find. System searches for the keyword in following columns: Cancellation Requester, ticket id, request type, request status.

  Info button (9) opens popup with more information about Cancellation Management. In popup there is a link to open user manual for this function.

Paging function available is similar to other lists and described in General User Interface.

Note: To enable possibility for end-user to submit a request for cancelling a ticket, it is necessary to activate the function in the Cancellation request settings for each ticket type.