Nlxid: REQ0004131
The new property Enable work log is available for ticket type entities, entities based on Base Request. Work logs can be created only if this property is enabled.
Nlxid: REQ0004133
Email origin is a new field created on base entity Base Request. Field is used for incoming tickets by email, in this field original incoming email address is stored. The field can be inserted in entity forms, the information could be valuable if system has multiple email accounts.
Nlxid: REQ0004133
AD Manager User Id is a new field created on base entity Base Person. It contains database id for person´s manager imported from AD (if manager is a defined user in NSP). Field can be inserted in person forms, value is used e g when a service item should be dynamically approved by requester´s manager.
AdManagerUserId is a new standard field for dynamically approve of service orders. If you have used other user defined field for this before, contact NSP Support ( if you need script to transfer values from old field to new standard field. To use the new field as dynamic approver you also must run a script to change the settings in database. This script you also can get from NSP Support.
ParentOrganizationId is a new field created on base entity Base Organization. Field can be inserted in organization forms. Parent Organization is used by function CI List over Contracts, see New tabs “CI List over Contracts” and “Relations with CI” below.
Nlxid: REQ0003016
Now also End User Name Format can include Windows User Name.
Nlxid: REQ0004132
New tab in People -> Organization.
In Organization form two new tabs are added:
•CI List over Contracts: Lists all CIs that are covered by contracts belonging to the organization. If organization has a Parent Organization defined, Cis also covered by contracts belonging to the parent organization are shown in list.
•Relations with CI: List of all CI relations to the organization.
From the lists you can directly open CI Form for CI by clicking a row in list.
Four new Work log reports added in standard reports:
• Work Logs per Requester organization
• Work Logs per Requester
• Work Logs per Agent
• Work Logs per Agent group
In CMDB properties Department and Organization values are displayed as clickable links. Clicking the link opens a popup with information.