Charging Plans

Configurations > Financial Management > Charging Plans

In the Charging plan you define the payment:

   What prices (rates) to charge.

   If to use exceptions to these common prices (Charging rules).

   You can also define a general discount on the connected prices.

The Charging Plan is connected to the Customer Account and will then define payment from this customer. The same plan can be connected to several accounts.

Three types of Charging Plans can be created, one of each type can be connected to a Customer Account:

   Work: Defines charging of agent work via worklogs.

   Service Catalog: Defines charging of ordered service items.

   Leasing: Defines charging for leased items.

The form shows a list of defined Charging Plans. Shows Name, Type, Description and flag for Active.

Action menu for each rule consists of Edit, View, Duplicate, Activate/Deactivate and Delete.

   Edit opens same form as Add charging plan.

   View shows popup with plan data.

   Duplicate makes a copy of the plan. In popup you enter a new name for the copy.

   Activate/Deactivate is toggling function. Only Active charging plans can be connected in a customer account.

   Rule that is connected to at least one customer account cannot be deleted.


In form there are functions for sort, filter, search, refresh and paging similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface.