Customer Accounts

In the Customer Account you define the buyer accounts, which can be charged for work, leasing or for orders from the Service Catalog.

You set up properties and add end users and agents as members.

Finally you connect the account to a Charging Plan and you have got a complete definition how to charge the customer.

Select Charging  in agent left menu. Click Customer Accounts in top menu to show a list of existing accounts. You can filter the account list, in left panel a hierarchy of the Customer Account Types is displayed. Here you can select a type to list only accounts of this type and its subtypes.

Above list there is a filter for All/Active/Inactive accounts. Rightmost on row there are a menu where you can select Edit, Activate/Deactivate and Delete.

Click account row to view content. In left panel the basic properties for the account is shown, see tab Properties in section Add/Edit Customer Account.

Right part of form is divided in seven tabs:

   Overview shows a list of saved worklogs, leasing or service orders, due to selection above the list, Work, Leased CI or Service Catalog.

   Properties shows Description and all Customer Account Type unique properties.

   Charging Plans shows selected plans for Work, Service Catalog and Leasing. You can change Charging Plan in the form, see tab Charging Plans in section Add/Edit Customer Account.

   Members contains the member list of the account. You can add/remove users in the form, see tab Members in section Add/Edit Customer Account.

   Invoices shows a list invoices created on the account. Here are functions to View and Revoke an invoice. This tab is not shown if invoicing is disabled in your system. See section Invoices.

   Account Receivables shows a list of not yet charged Work, Service Catalog and Leasing items. You can Preview the invoice and perform Invoice Now. This tab is not shown if invoicing is disabled in your system. See section Account receivables.

   Invoice mailing list contains a list of email addresses to receive account invoices.

In upper right corner of the page there are icons to reach Document template, Information (help page), Refresh,  Edit and Delete.

Document template creates a document with data from the selected account by using a document template.

Edit opens Customer Account in edit mode, see section Add/Edit Customer Account.

In form there are functions for sort, filter, search, refresh and paging similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface.