Cost Centers

Configurations > Financial Management > Cost Centers

Cost Center is used to define receiving accounts for invoices.

The form shows a list of defined Cost Centers. Shows Id, Name, Type, Description and flag for Active.

Above the list there are filter functionality to filter by Status (Active, Inactive) and by Cost Center Type.

Action menu for each Cost Center consists of Edit, Activate/Deactivate and Delete.

   Edit opens form to add/edit Cost Center. See below.

   Activate/Deactivate is toggling function. Only Active cost centers can be connected in a Worklog, Service object or Leasing.

In form there are functions for sort, filter, search, refresh, paging and column width similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface.

Click a row to open Cost Center view for a Cost Center.

Add/Edit Cost Center

To add a new Cost Center, click button Add Cost Center. First step is selecting Cost Center Type in a popup.

In next form you enter Name and Description (translatable texts).