Cost Center view

Cost Center is used to define receiving accounts for invoices. Cost Center view consists of left panel, Cost Center Info, and four tabs, Properties, Invoices, Account Receivables and Configuration:

Left panel shows general properties, e g Cost Center Type, active status and creation info.

Properties tab shows Cost Center Description and all other user defined properties defined for the Cost Center Type.

Invoices tab consists of a list of invoices where the Cost Center is receiving account. Above list you find filters to filter list by Customer Account or date range. List functions for sort, filter, search, refresh, paging and column width are similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface. Each invoice has actions View and Revoke. More info of those actions you can find here.

Account Receivables tab shows a list of not yet charged invoices where the Cost Center is receiving account. Above list you find filters to filter list by Customer Account. List functions for sort, filter, search, refresh, paging and column width are similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface. Available action is Invoice now. This action creates the invoice and it will be removed from this list and the created invoice can be viewed in Invoices tab.

Configuration tab view lists of other items having defined association to the Cost Center. There are two tabs in the form, tab Service Catalog shows lists of Service Catalog Categories and Service Catalog Items associated and tab Products have lists of associated Product Categories and Products. Lists are read only in this view, you cannot open the items or add/edit/remove the associations from here. List functions for sort, filter, search, refresh, paging and column width are similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface.

Above the tabs there are buttons for Info, Refresh, Edit (edit Cost Center Name and Description) and Delete: