
NSP has different types of users that have specific working tasks to perform. The users in the NSP are End Users and Agents. End Users generate support requests, agents solve the requests and agents with administrator permissions manage the system settings.

In this function can you as administrator manage the users in NSP. You can add or edit users and also define their roles and access permissions. You can also manage the users by organizing them into Permission Scopes. Each user has specific role defined by NSP. Their roles can be changed whenever required.

Configurations > User & Permission Management > Users.

Users page is broken down in two main areas:

Users page

Panel on the left side contains lists of all User Types (End User and Agent). Search feature allows you to search User Type. After choose of type list is filtered due to selection.

On the right side is a list of users defined in the system. The list is filtered based on selected User Type in left panel. Rightmost on row there is an Edit link to open User Profile page where general user properties can be changed.

Above list there is filter for Status (Active/Inactive), a search box and a refresh button

Click a row in the list to open User form for selected user.

Info button opens popup with more information about the user function.  In popup there is a link to open user manual for this function.

Search, filtering, sorting, refresh, paging and column width change functions available are similar to other lists and described in General User Interface.

Note that you cannot Add, Delete or set users Active/Inactive in this function. Those features are still available in People function. There you can also use import/export functions and feature to update user password.