Approval flow limits


Configurations > Business Rules > Approval Flow Limits

This feature allow you to define amount up to which the user can order a service item that will be automatically approved. All orders over that limit should be approved by users defined in approval flow.

Form contains a list of all approval flow limits existing in the system. Approval flow can be added, be activated/deactivated, edited or deleted. Default Approval Flow limit is predefined and applied to all users and cannot be deleted.

Each row in the list includes following actions:

  Edit: Use this action to edit an existing approval flow limit. Uses same form as when you Add the flow limit.

  Delete: Delete approval flow limit.

  Activate/Deactivate: Toggling function to change current active status.

  Set as default: Use this action to set approval flow limit as default.

Above the list is Add flow button.

Search, sort, filter, paging, and adjust column width functionality is similar to other lists in NSP, see section General User Interface.