Ticket - Main properties

The Main properties section is divided into three tabs; Ticket (ticket Id is the name of the tab), Requester (creator of the ticket) and Organization (requester´s organization). The fields displayed in these forms are dynamic and could be defined by the Administrator. The fields could be different due to which form is in use for the Ticket Type. Some of the common fields displayed in these forms (and their normal function in the system) are:

Ticket Tab:

  On Behalf Of: Means that user has created the request on behalf of somebody else. The field is not changeable. Note that this field is only available if the Power User function is enabled in the system.

  Reported By: Displays the name of user who reported the ticket on behalf of someone else. This field has auto-complete feature, start input name of user, and dropdown is shown with search result. Select user in dropdown. If you click the  symbol a browse form is opened. In this form you can search for a user.

  Requester: Name of the user who requested the ticket. Requester will be notified when a public comment is added to the ticket (not notified for internal comments). This field has auto-complete feature, start input name of user, and dropdown is shown with search result. Select user in dropdown. If you click the  symbol a browse form is opened. In this form you can search for a user.

If Requester/CC filter is enabled in User profile - Settings, than Requester and CC should be searched by enabled filters.

Filter All: Return all users, filter Internal: Return only users from currently logged in user’s organization and users with the same e-mail domain, filter External: Return only users which are NOT belong to currently logged in user’s organization and users with the different e-mail domain.

  CC: Name of the users added as CC. This field is a list containing users. All CC users will be notified when a public comment is added to the ticket. If CC User Type is Agent the user will be notified for internal comments as well. For User Type EndUser no notification will be sent for internal comments.

  Assignee: Name of the user or group to whom the ticket is assigned. This field has auto-complete feature, start input name of group or name or email address of agent, and dropdown is shown with search result. Select group or assignee in dropdown.  If you click the  symbol a browse form is opened. You can search for a Group or an Agent in NSP which will be assignee of the created ticket. If an Agent is removed from the Group it is marked with a (x) in front of the name. This user cannot be selected as new Assignee (you will get an error message when you try to save the ticket).  

  Category: Category to which ticket belongs. The field has auto-complete feature, start input name of category, and dropdown is shown with search result. Select category in dropdown. If you click the  symbol a browse form is opened. Popup displays a list with all categories as well as latest reported tickets in selected category.

  CI: CI which is related to the ticket. The field has an auto-complete feature, start input name of CI, and dropdown is shown with the search result. Select CI in the dropdown. If you click the  symbol a browse form is opened. Popup displays a list with all CI types as well as list of all CIs in selected CI type. Related CI will be also linked to the ticket and displayed in CI List tab.

  Priority: Priority of the ticket.

  Urgency: Urgency of the ticket.

  Impact: Impact of the ticket.

  Location: Ticket location.

  Requested by Organization: If the ticket is requested by an organization, then it will be visible in organizations ticket list and on Self Service Portal within view Tickets from my organization. If this property has some value, then Organization tab on the ticket view will take and show this value, not from End-user organization.

Requester Tab:

When Requester tab is select there is an icon shown at the top of form. This icon is link to Login details for the Requester.

  Profile Picture: Profile picture of the user.

  First Name: First name of the Requester.

  Last Name: Last name of the Requester.

  Email Address: Email address of the Requester.

  Phone: Contact number of the Requester (Landline number).

  Mobile Phone: Mobile phone number of the Requester.

  Organization: Name of the organization to which the Requester belongs.

  Default Language: Default language of the portal for the Requester.

  VIP (VIP Notes): Enabling this option means the requester is VIP and has more importance than any other non-VIP person. Checking it enables a text box to enter VIP note. This note is displayed when user mouse over the Requester detail tab.

  User Type: Type of the user i.e. Agent or End User.

  Location: Map location of the requester.

   Phone/Chat field icons: When the you click the icon, you will be redirected to a prechosen phone or/and chat program, such as Skype.


At the top of the Requester tab there are three buttons:


1.  Create ticket with this user as Requester: Opens form to create new ticket. Current user is pre-defines as Requester of the ticket. Standard ticket type form is opened.

2.  Login details: Opens form with login details for current user. See Login Details.

3.  Info: Link to user manual.


Organization Tab:

  Image: Image (logotype) of the Organization.

  Organization Name: Name of the organization Requester belongs.

  Domain Email: Email address for the domain of Organization.


Fields on Requester and Organization tab are not editable here. Changes in Requester or Organization profiles can be performed in Configuration > Manage > People.