GDPR Agreement responses

Under AP > GDPR > Agreements you find tags with all GDPR agreement levels; Field, Form and General. Here all agreements texts are listed as the where at the time when the End user approved the agreement.

For agreements on field and form level the following is valid: When the End users approves an agreements on SSP they choose to approve the Field/Form every time is to be used or, after a setting, approve the it until further notice (= until you actively remove the approval). This is shown in the list columns Terms and Status. These are related as described in the following table:









User approves each time input is due on a form or in a field.

Until revoked


When the End user marked the check box I accept the terms of this Agreement - Apply this to all upcoming forms until revoked this condition kicks and it is active until the user manually revokes the agreement on his or her personal data page.

As GDPR handler you can for each post, as mentioned earlier, view the agreement text as it was when it was approved. For those agreements with Term/StatusUntil Revoke”/”Revoke” you can also Revoke the agreement using row menu click.