CI Leased CI

Shows all leasing contracts the CI is connected to, where the CI is, is planned for or has been leased. The form is divided in three tabs:

  Active: On-going leasing.

  Planned: Future leasing, Start Date is after current time.

  Terminated: Terminated leasing, End Date is before current time.

For leasing columns Contract Id, Customer, Customer Account, Leasing fee price, Start Date and End Date are shown. The information here is read-only, if you click a row a View popup will be shown that contains detailed information of the leasing. If leasing contract shall be changed or more detailed contract information shall be shown you have to open it in Contracts function.

For each leasing contract, there are links rightmost on row:

   View: Opens popup with form containing all leasing properties.

   Edit: Shown only for leasing contracts in Active and Planned tabs. Opens form in popup, same form as used when new leasing is added. Here you can change leasing properties e g regarding fee and leasing period.

   Remove: Shown only for Planned leasing. Removes the contract before activation.

   Terminate: Shown only for Active leasing. Opens popup where you can set termination date (possible to set date from “today”). This is the way you can terminate a leasing manually before leasing end date. Checkbox Manually terminated will be enabled (checkbox is shown in View and Edit form) if leasing contract is terminated this way.


CI Status for leased CI

For leased CI there are added statuses that are not shown in lifecycle view, Leased, Leasing expired and Sold. Status Leased is automatically set when a leasing contract starts for the CI. This status cannot be manually changed, only way to change it is to terminate the leasing. When leasing period ends status is changed to Leasing expired or Sold due to the leasing expiration option. From Leasing expired you can manually change to e g In Use or Disposed. From Sold status no other status can be selected.