CI grouped by inserted time

This report shows a line chart of CIs created in the time interval specified by the date filter. Time interval is selected in the date filer at the top of the page.  Default selected date filter is Current month. Date filter is described in General features.

A dropdown containing all available CI types is provided at the top of the page. You can select CI Type to filter the report and see only CIs belonging to that type (and it´s sub types). The report is directly updated when you select a CI type. The report is displaying data for one CI Type (and it´s sub types) at a time. Default selected CI Type is the top node (All CIs).

All CIs filtered for the date interval are initially displayed in the list below the graph. Open a CI by clicking it in the list. The list provides a search box and an export button. System searches for the keyword in following columns: Id and Name. Export is described in General User Interface.

The graph contains data points according to the values plotted. Clicking any of the points filters the CI list to show only CIs for that point. Also when you mouse over that point, a small label is displayed showing total number of CIs for that point.