Entity Permission (System Entity Group and Ticket Group Tabs)

All the active entity groups are displayed in the tabs here, one tab for each existing group, enabling you to define permissions for entities. All entities are displayed in the expandable list.

Each row in the list is an Entity item containing the Entity Name and then configurations options including: View, Create, Edit, Delete, Assign, Undelete, Activate, Deactivate, Reset Password, On Behalf and Field Permissions (Editable, and Visible). To set different Field Permissions for each sub items of entity, you need to expand the list item to see the sub items and then set the permissions for them.

For the first ten options, there is image icon provided to define the scope for that particular entity. This image works like a counter. By clicking that icon, you can define the scope of it. At the bottom of the permission matrix, there is hint provided for the scope. There are four options provided: User, Group, Organization and System.

Note! If you want to specify permissions to an Entity that derives from the “Base Request” you must also grant full access to the “Base Request” on the same role.