Mobile - Tickets Details page

Ticket details page displays information of a selected ticket and has facilitates to edit details:


Ticket details page

If the ticket you open in the detail page is already opened by other Agent (in NSP Mobile or in NSP Web) you will get a message at the bottom of the screen with information which Agent has opened the ticket:

Ticket is already opened

Ticket details page contains five tabs: Info, Description, Comments, Worklogs and Tasks. For all tabs a general part is displayed at the top of the page. Page contains Form header (1) and the part just below the top contains general information about ticket (2): Subject, Id and Status.

To change the ticket Status, tap the arrow symbol right to Status field (4). A dropdown is opened, containing available statuses. New status is saved directly you tap a row in dropdown.


Status change

This part also contains additional options menu  (3) in the top right corner. This menu have two options:

   Refresh: Reloads data in the page

   Edit: Ticket is opened for editing in the same form that it was originally created. See Mobile - Add Ticket.

Below this part there is a navigation panel to navigate to different tabs of the screen. Tap tab title to swipe between tabs.


Contain all ticket property values except Description.



Displays description of the ticket and a list of attachments added to the ticket. Additional options menu  above the Attachments list has option for download the attached files: Download All.



Displays all comments on the ticket as shown in this example:


Each comment contains:

1.  Date and time when the comment is posted.

2.  Name, email address and profile image of the user who posted the comment.

3.  Comment text.

4.  Number of users who mark comment as Useful.

5.  List of the comment attachments.

6.  Comment visibility scope (Public, Internal) and Comment type (Solution, Workaround).

7.  Additional options menu  of the comment have following options:

o Change Visibility: Opens popup where you can change comment visibility scope (Public or Internal).

o Change Comment: Opens popup where you can change comment type (Regular, Solution or Workaround).

o Download Attachments: Downloads all the attachments of the selected comment.

Ticket details page - Comments Tab

Button  (8) opens form for adding new comment:

In the form you can enter comment text (text formatting tools are available), select comment type (tap Solution  or Workaround ) and select visibility scope (tap Public  or Internal ) and add files as attachments (link Select a file).

Preview button could be used to inspect the formatted comment before you submit it.

Tap check link  in upper right corner to save the comment.


Comment form