Mobile - User Settings

After tapping Settings item in the main menu, Settings main page is loaded. From the main page you can call different setting forms:

   Ticket Settings

   User Settings

   CMDB Settings

   App Settings


You can expand/collapse each section in the forms by tapping   symbol in front of the section header. Tap each row in the form to open the particular field for input.

Save the setting changes by tap the Check link in form header.

NOTE: When showing a Settings form, header changes to a Form Header:

Form header contains:

   Back link (1): Has same effect as the Cancel button, closes the form and returns to the previous screen.

   Form Title (2): Title of the form being displayed. For Instance: Edit Ticket, User Settings, etc.

   Check link (3): Has effect as the Accept button. Saves the data entered in the form and closes it and returns to the previous screen in the app.


Ticket Settings

Section New Ticket:

   Use agent´s GPS location as ticket location: When Agent creates a ticket in mobile app current location will be defines as the ticket location.

User Settings

Section Language and regional:

   Language: Select language to be used in app. In popup you can select language set to Active in web system.

   Time zone: Select your Time zone in popup.

   Time format: Select if 24 h (22:42) or 12 h (10:42 pm) format should be used.

CMDB Settings

Section Scanner:

   Scanning timeout: When scan function is activated, if no action is performed the scan result screen is auto-closed after this time-out period. In a popup you can select 15, 30, 45 or 60 seconds.

App Settings

Section General Settings:

   Max no of tabs: No of opened tabs you can have at the same time in the application. This is used to set up constrain in regard to how big the working storage is on your device. See Tab Link in Mobile Home page section. You can select 5, 10, 15 or 20.