Tickets by Submission Channel

This report shows tickets created from different submission channels:

Tickets by Submission Channel

This report shows tickets created from different submission channels in the time interval specified by the date filter (1). Default selected date filter is Current month. Date filter is described in General features.

Besides the date filters, is an option to filter report data based on ticket type provided (8). The ticket types are listed in a dropdown in the top left corner of the page.

All tickets filtered for the date interval and ticket type are initially displayed in the list below the graph (4). The list provides a search box (5) and an export to excel button (6).

Graph contains bars for each time interval. Each bar contains different sections based on how the tickets were reported, one section for each submission channel. When you mouse over any section of the bar, it shows the ticket count for the respective source (2). Clicking any section filters the list to show only tickets included in that part.

Submission types could be e g Email, System, Chat or Twitter. You can click the submission types (3) below the graph to show or hide data related to this type (in the graph, this selection do not filter the list below).

Use Print button (7) to open the print utility. You can do required changes and make a print out of the report.