
NSP provide two different features to record time for activity in ticket page. Those features are helpful in analyzing how much time the Agents spend to solve the ticket.

  Comment Timer record time for writing comments. The time spent is displayed in ticket page.

  Worklog Timer record time the ticket form is open. You can automatically create Worklogs for time spent.

Options provided to define settings for Timer:

  Enable Comment Timer: Enabling this option adds timer to the ticket detail page. The timer will be displayed above the comment box. The timer will be used to record time spent on comment the ticket. If Enable Automatic Comment Timer is not enabled is the timer manually controlled. The Agent starts and stops the timer using a button in the ticket form.

  Enable Automatic Comment Timer: You can enable this option to make the timer automatic. As soon as the agent enters text in the comment box in the ticket detail page the timer automatically gets started, and when he saves the comment the timer stops. Note that this can only be enabled if the timer is enabled using the first option.

  Enable Worklog Timer: This option adds other type of timer, with the purpose to measure the time an Agent handles the ticket and create a Worklog for the measured time. The timer starts automatically when the ticket form is opened (both Restricted and Edit mode). When you close the form, or when you decide to save (button Save Worklog), a Worklog connected to the ticket is created (popup form is displayed where you define and save the Worklog). Timer is using setting Worklog Timer Resolution (minutes) to step the timer.