Timers in tickets

Comment Timer

Comment Timer records the time Agent uses to comment the ticket. Recorded time is displayed as Time spent at the top of ticket form.

Time spent and fields for timer is displayed only if Comment Timer is enabled. Timer fields includes a start/stop button and a label displaying the time. The label is editable, you can manually insert a time value.

If Enable Auto Comment Timer option is enabled for Agent the timer starts automatically as soon as you enter text in the comment box and stops when you save the comment.

If Enable Auto Comment Timer option is not enabled the timer is controlled manually. Click Start button before writing a comment. When finishes click Stop button to stop the timer. You can edit the time if required. When you save the comment the new time will be added to Time spent.

Start/Stop the Comment Timer can also be done using CTRL+ALT+B (if shortcuts are enabled).

Worklog Timer

Worklog Timer records the time the ticket form is opened.

Fields for timer is displayed only if Worklog Timer is enabled. Timer fields includes a Save Worklog button and a label displaying the time. The label is editable, you can manually change the time.

If it is enabled the timer starts automatically when Agent opens the ticket form (both Restricted and Edit form). Worklog Timer Resolution (minutes) is a setting done by the system administrator. Timer value is from the start this setting in minutes, and is after that updated with this step. If setting is e g 15 minutes, timer will start at 15, after 15 minutes step to 30, and so on. If resolution is set to 1 the timer is updated each minute. The time value is editable, you can change it if you want to. The time will update each step the form is open, or until Agent stops the time record and save a new Worklog (click Save Worklog button). After saving a Worklog you have to close form and reopen to start a new time recording.

When you click Save Worklog button (or save the ticket by clicking the Status button, Save as:) a popup with worklog data is opened. Here the Agent Name, Start Time and Time spent is automatically filled in. You have to select Work Rate Type and input other data before saving the worklog. To read more about worklogs, see section Worklog.

When you close the ticket form without the worklog has been saved, you will get a message; Worklog not saved. Are you sure you want to continue? If you click OK in this message popup the ticket is closed and no worklog is registered. Next time you open the ticket the time recorder is reset to 00:01. If worklog should be created, click Cancel in the message popup and Save Worklog before you close the ticket form.

Note: Time recording in Restricted and Edit ticket mode is separated. You cannot continue the recording if you open ticket in Edit mode from Restricted mode. If you try to open ticket in Edit mode you will get the message Worklog not saved. Are you sure you want to continue? In this case you have to save the worklog created in Restricted mode first, and start a new recording when you open ticket in Edit mode.