Permission Scope Types

Configurations > User & Permission Management > Permission Scope Types.

Permission Scope Types are used to build a hierarchic structure of permissions. Permission Scope can have other scope as member if it is a type of lower level. Permission Scope can be member of other scope of higher level. The permissions a user has in the NSP system is built as a merge of all Permission Scopes on different levels he is member of.

In the form there is a list of existing Permission Scope Types. You can add custom properties to the types but it is not possible to add new types or change the levels.  

Standard Permission Scope Types:


o Users

Ø Group

Ø Department

Ø Organization

Ø Office

Ø Site

Ø Company


Each Permission Scope Type has an own set of standard properties and inherit all the properties from its ancestors (Group inherit properties from Users and Everybody, etc). You can customize the types by editing the standard properties and/or add your own field using the Formbuilder/Property Editor. You call the property editor from link Edit Properties rightmost of each row.

NOTE: Custom properties for Permission Scope Types  Group and Organization cannot be added. Those types are migrated from earlier NSP version and are still managed in People and Entity Editor.

Permission Scope can have other scope as member if it is a type of lower level. Permission Scope can be member of other scope of higher level:

Membership levels of Permission Scope Types:

1.  User

2.  Group

3.  Department

4.  Organization

5.  Office

6.  Site

7.  Company



Group members can be only Users,

Department members can be Users or Groups,

Company members can be Users, Groups, Departments, Organizations, Offices and Sites.

Group can be member of Department, Organizations, Offices, Sites and Company

Department can be Member of Organizations, Branch Offices, Sites and Company,
