News in NSP (12/02/2021)

Agent portal

Export Knowledgebase article

New option added – Export information from selected article to a document by using a document template.

Read more: Knowledgebase article form


Ticket properties – Category popup

An improvement has been made to the category popup, so it now shows the categories and when selecting a category in the popup, you can now directly see opened tickets in that category.

Read more: Ticket – category popup


User Profile – info panels

Displaying info panels in Dashboard has been enhanced with possibility to display popup forms while mouse over or click on a Subject or Requester column.

Read more: User settings – info panel


User Profile – Stand-in users

User profile page has been enhanced with one new tab Stand-in users. This option allows you to choose a user who will do your jobs for you, if you are not available. Section is based on two groups - My stand-in users (all users who are replacing me) and Me as stand-in user (all users who I am replacing).

Read more: Stand-in users


Ticket quicksteps

New option added on the ticket type Change. With this new trigger you can create a new incident and connect it to the original ticket.

Read more: Quicksteps


Order management

Function has been improved within Order list view. The list contains now switcher between Orders, Ordered services, Pending your approvals and All pending approvals.

Read more: Order management


Nilex Client

Nilex Client is the new name for the NSP CTI Client. Within the Nilex Client App, the possibility of auto start has been added if the user has saved the user name and password.


Status widget on dashboard

Ticket status widget shows in graph all tickets statuses which are currently visible in selected list. By clicking on the selected status, the list will be filtered and will show only tickets that have the selected status.

Read more: Ticket list



General user interface

Paging functionality has been improved. Now you can select you can select the number of rows to display per page (5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200). Default page size is 20.

Read more: Paging


Calendar settings

Added option - Show by default on calendars, where admin can set up some type as preselected for all users. This applies only in case that user has not configured his own calendar settings.

Read more: Calendar settings

Read more: Entity properties and settings


Email outbox mechanism

Within NSP, a new email outbox mechanism has been made. IT allows control of sent emails. Any message sent via any email provider will be recorded in the Nilex database. NSP will try to deliver each email directly to the recipient and if an error occurs, the system will save the email in the database and will try to resend it again.

Read more: Email configurations


Export templates

The export templates function has been enhanced with the ability to define tags for root and child entity type, for example you can export Cis from all tickets that are related to a specific CI.

Read more: Add/Edit export template

Read more: Add/Edit document template


Entity lifecycle

Adding new/editing existing lifecycle stage has been improved with option to mark functional/ descriptive status of stage name – As inactive.

Read more: Add/Edit Lifecycle stages


Entity jobs

Within Business rules, new function is created. Entity jobs represents all created entity scheduled jobs. On this page, you can create, edit, activate or deactivate and delete Entity Jobs.

Read more: Entity jobs


Import tickets mapping

New key in added in app.globalsetting which enables mapping fields from end user to the fields with the SysPerson prefix.

Read more: Entity editor map fields


Self Service Portal


NSP Self Service Portal has been improved with one new function – Contracts. This function enables view of all contracts connected to the logged user, whether the user is registered as Contract Owner or Contract Approver. This function is by default available on Self Service Portal. If you don’t want the contracts to be visible on the SSP, you can adjust the permissions within the Roles and permissions section.

Read more: SSP Contracts


My tickets

Within my tickets dropdown menu, two new views have been added – My opened CC tickets and My closed CC tickets. Refers to all opened/ closed tickets where logged in user is marked in cc field (copy) on ticket.

Read more: My tickets


Microsoft Teams

NSP integration with Microsoft Teams app

Teams is implemented in NSP and approvement by Microsoft is pending. NSP customers will be informed when it's published on market place.


NSP system

System security improvements

XSS Protect enables analyzing all saved content in DB and if registers some dangerous XSS code for attack, NSP will process XSS function and tags will be stripped from html. XSS Protect is disabled by default and customers need to enable XSS Protect inside localSite.config. This function must be enabled for all sites to work, NSP.REST API, NSP.WEB. SSP, NNSIntegration and Maintenance Host.

Read more: System security


Customer Change Notes


Nilex Ticket ID


REQ0008855, REQ0009184

XSS Protect - Protection against Cross-site Scripting

REQ0008924, REQ0008840, REQ0008843, REQ0008923

CMDB - Optimization of loading time for open CI


Document Templates on ticket Entity - Format problem with ticket description improved


Dashboard graphs and loading tickets in dashboard -> 'Mine' and 'Group' are no longer connected to active system views

 for Base Entity 'Assigned to me' and 'In my group'.

REQ0008825, CHG0000026

Tasks: Protected System field 'Owner' is replaced with field 'Owner - Agent' on entity Task



Nilex Ticket ID



CI List: Possibility to show more than 100 rows in CMDB list


Views/grids - total count of items should always been shown


Knowledgebase: Possible to print Articles with Document templates


More logging for when creating tickets on SSP when no customer/User is set on tickets



Nilex Ticket ID



System settings

REQ0008619, REQ0008950

API: There was an error on call getentitylistbyquery for "Announcements"


NSP crashed when the browser had been redirected to localhost:1800

REQ0009070, REQ0008977, REQ0008035

New Enduser / New Agent - Date/Time format will be applied by system settings after login, but will not be applied directly on user profile settings


Entity editor - Import with csv file into ticket entity - problem with custom defined combobox


Ticket Import: Agent could be set  automatically as assignee on tickets that was imported from CSV file

REQ0003546, REQ0003618, REQ0006656, REQ0007766

Email/URL addresses surrounded by tags <....> in outgoing/received mails can be replaced by [...] , on incoming mails the replacement depends on mail format (Plain text, RTF or HTML)


SMM message: Danish letters did not resolve properly in messages


Report templates: It was not possible to add a report template without setting a date filter

REQ0008985, REQ0009261, REQ0009227, REQ0008982

LDAP: Settings for scheduling of LDAP sync job could not be saved


Agent portal Tickets/ Tasks

REQ0008837, REQ0009058, REQ0009199

Ticket - assignee pop up dialog - initial count of agents per group was wrong


Reported by: If the users last name is missing only first name will be loaded/saved on ticket

REQ0008882, REQ0008808

Dashboard: Widgets was not always shown in Dashboard in Edge & Internet Explorer


Dashboard - Multi Update checkboxes  were not reloaded when switching between widgets


Ticket Multi update in views: The selector was not restarted after submit


Tickets: Sometimes error message appeared while saving a ticket: Could not execute update query


Dashboard - Multi Update  - checkboxes were not reloaded when switching between "My" & "Groups"


Expand all and collapse all did not work in Ticket Notification History

REQ0006308, REQ0005830

View My tickets could load wrong tickets for users


Categories were not shown in pop up if there was a space after each category name

REQ0007374, REQ0007543

Linked ticket count was not updated correct in views


Permission to assign agent on ticket did not work properly

REQ0008315, REQ0008919

Wrong user could be set as creator on a new ticket

REQ0008695, REQ0008652, REQ0008919

Wrong agent could be logged in ticket history


It was not possible to edit tree view field in entity form

REQ0008806, REQ0008954

Tasks: Autocomplete did not work on the approval field

REQ0008043, REQ0008561

Entity Link in notification for Task did not work for assignee


Calendar: Shared calendars were not selectable in ticket calendar on a ticket


Calendar: In Calendar view Personal Availability breaks were shown even you had deactivated breaks in default work schema


Ticket history: Saved values from multiselect field was saved as ID's in ticket history if more than one value was added


There was no sort order in dropdown list for tags in tickets  comment field and in Direct mail


Ticket: Tab Requester and Organization - Displaying tickets in each list are applied by agents permissions giving by roles


Ticket Multi Update - Ticket source was changed from any to system


Views - filter condition on requester field type radio button failed and view remained empty

REQ0007933, REQ0007794, REQ0008232,

 REQ0009011, REQ0009206

Indexed search: It was not possible to search more than once in the search pop-up on the right in the top panel




Knowledge base: Enduser could not login directly to an article that was sent as a link from the ticket


KB search in ticket: The first result in search was always the ticket agent had open


KB search in ticket - All search results could not be loaded in the ticket


KB search - creating ticket: search did not work when a keyword was included in the subject


SSP: Knowledgebase: The recommended articles did not show the list of articles which are best rated


Self Service Portal


SSP: Filter date “equal to” did not show any result in grid


SSP : The CI was not attached to the ticket when ticket was created in Self Service Portal


Self Service Portal : Link Submit ticket did not work if user already had opened a form and wanted to go back with the link



REQ0009180, REQ0009160, REQ0008945, REQ0009224

CI form empty after editing properties on CI type - problem was related to field 'Depreciation Type'

REQ0009107, REQ0008946

It was not possible to create a charging plan for leasing


If wrong value was added in a property in a CI filed it was not possible to load the CI list


Service Catalog

REQ0007992, REQ0008007, REQ0008341

Service Catalog - category did not change name through Language & Translation


Adding properties to a service item- Empty space was saved as property first time and resulted in eternal loading


SSP: Service item that has view permission group could still be found by users if user changed in URL


SSP Orders: When user choose different lists in orders the lists did not update automatically