Price Lists

Configurations > Financial Management > Price Lists

Price Lists are inserted in a hierarchical structure. Prices that are not defined in a price list can be inherited from parent levels. Prices in the Price List are defined per Product Category. If same price cannot be used for all products belonging to the category you can add price exception for those.

Form shows the structure with parent and sub Price Lists. Rightmost on row you find links Add, Edit, Edit Prices and Delete.

   Add creates a new sub price list with the current list as parent.

   Edit opens form where you can edit Name and Description (translatable texts).

   Edit Prices opens form where you define the prices, see below.

The top Price List in structure (Base Price List) cannot be edited or deleted. For this row only links Add and Edit Prices are available.

To add a new Price List on top level below Base Price List, click button Add Price List. Otherwise select Add for Price List that shall be parent for the new one. In the form you insert Name and Description (translatable texts). To add prices you must first Save in this form, after that select Edit Prices.

Edit Prices

Left panel contains the hierarchical tree of Product Categories. When you select a category the right part of form show price information for this category.

Right part has two sections:

In upper part you define Procurement and Leasing prices for the category. If price is not defined for the category in the current price list they are inherited from parent Price List. Column Inherited is then enabled and column Parent shows the Price List the price is collected from.

At top there are two links, Edit and Clear.

   Clear removes the prices in this Price List and inherited prices will be used.

   Edit opens popup where you can specify prices. If you save prices here they are no longer inherited. For Procurement you insert price in a field, for Leasing you click Add Leasing Option and in this popup you define the leasing Fee (sum per day, week, month or year) and Leasing period. For both Procurement and Leasing there is a Delete prices link in form to remove the prices from this Price List (and use inherited price).

In lower part you can specify a list of Products in the current Product Category that shall be excluded from the prices defined in the upper part. For each of the products in the list you define own prices (exceptions).

Click Set Product price (exceptions) button. Select Product in field at the top of the popup (auto-complete field, or open list of available products with icon). Available products are all products belonging to the current Product Category that does not yet has an exception defined. Then insert Procurement price and Leasing Option for the exception and Save.

Rightmost in the list of exceptions you find links Edit and Remove.