Product Categories

Products > tab Categories.

Product Registry is a catalog of all products available, registry defines each product and its attributes, such as name, type, category, manufacturer, etc. Dividing the products in different types makes it possible to define a unique set of properties for each type.

Here you configure the different categories of products you invoice for e g lease or spare parts. Product Categories can be added in a hierarchical structure with parent and sub types. The types inherits properties from parent types and you can specify own new properties, see below.

The categories are basis when you define the product prices, see Price Lists.

When managing Products they can be filtered by Product Type or by Product Category.

Click Add category button or select Add Subtype in menu rightmost on a row to define a new Product Category. The list below shows the default properties. Other custom properties can have been added in your system.

   Name (required field).

   Parent category (required field): select from dropdown.

   Depreciation model (required field): Select from dropdown.

   Tax rate (required field): Select from dropdown.


Name and Description are localized, translatable items.

In the row menu rightmost on each row you also find Edit and Delete. In Edit form you can edit all category properties except Parent Category.

View/Edit a Product Category

Click a row in the hierarchical structure to open view form for a Product Category. The form has general category info in left panel and other data is shown in two tabs, Properties and Configuration:

   Properties consists of the category Description and all custom properties defined for the Category Type.

   Configuration tab is used to select Cost Center that shall be connected to the category. See Cost Centers.

In top right corner you find buttons for Info, Refresh, Edit and Delete. In Edit form you can edit all category properties except Parent Category.