Role view

Select View in the role list to access the Role View. The view contains list of all Users and Permission Scopes that have been assigned to the role.

Role View

List contains of three columns:

  Name: Displays User Name/ Permission Scope name.

  Scope type: This column displays User or Permission Scope Type.

  Implicit: Shows how User/Permission Scope is assigned to the role, explicit or implicit via other scope. If assign is implicit, this column is marked with tick, and you cannot delete relation.

Explicit membership means that User/Permission Scope is assigned to role directly.  Explicit assignment can be removed by link rightmost on row, or by enable checkbox leftmost on row and select Remove link above the list.

Above the list is also Assign Role button, used for adding new User/Permission Scope explicit to the role.  Assign form contains a list of all available users and scopes of different Permission Scope Types. Above list there is a Permission Scope Type filter. You can assign multiple scopes to the role by enable checkboxes and Save.

Functions for search, filter, sort, refresh, paging and column width change are available similar to other lists and is described in General User Interface.