Entity Jobs

In this page, you can create, edit, activate or deactivate and delete Entity Jobs.

To access Entity Jobs, go to Configurations > Business Rules > Entity Jobs.

Entity jobs main page

The Entity jobs main page contains a list of entity scheduled jobs. Search box and Column menu for sort and filter the list are similar to other lists in NSP, see section General User Interface.

The list contains entity jobs created so far. Each item in a list contains information: Job Name, Number of events, status active, work status in progress and Actions buttons.

Actions buttons are:

   Edit to edit the entity job information. This selection opens the same form used when adding a new Entity job. When Edit, the information is already filled in the form.

   Activate/Deactivate to activate or deactivate entity job.

   History – historical overview of all executed scheduling (look below for more information)

   Delete – delete entity job