Order Management

Order Management features enables a way of tracking service item orders done in Service Catalog. Click Order Management icon  in the left column menu, the Service Orders list will be shown:

Order Management – Order list

The page contains a list of all ordered service items.

Each row in the list is an order that at least includes: Order ID, Order date, Ordered by, Status, Service count and Total price.

List contains Switcher (1) between Orders, Ordered services, Pending your approvals and All pending approvals. Ordered services contains list of  all ordered service items individually. For each item you can expand the list to see all orders containing the item.

Orders contains list of all orders in the system. This list contains filter, All orders (2) is used to filter order by status.  Dropdown lets you filter the list to show just Active (Approved, Pending approved, Mixed) or All (Approved, Pending approved, Mixed and Rejected) orders.

Ordered services contains list of all ordered service items individually. For each item you can expand the list to see all orders containing the item.

Pending your approvals contains list of all orders that are waiting for your approval.

All pending approvals contains a list of all orders that are waiting for approval no matter who the approver is.

Search, filter, sort and paging function available is similar to other lists in NSP, see General User Interface. Search function searches for the keyword in following columns: Order ID and Ordered by.

Click an order in the list to see its Order form