Product View

When you click a row in the Product Registry all product info is viewed in form.

Upper left corner shows the Product Name and function to add tags.

In upper right corner of the page there are icons to reach Document template, Information (help page), Refresh,  Edit and Delete.

   Document template creates a document with data from the selected product by using a document template.

   Edit opens Product in edit mode, see section Add/Edit Product.

In left panel general product information (default properties) is shown. Information is read-only, cannot be edited here.

Right part of form is divided in 6 tabs:

   Properties: Contains product Description and all defined custom properties for the current Product Type. Information is read-only, cannot be edited here.

   Prices: Price information for product. Price List hierarchy is shown and which price is set for the product in the different price list, and how price is inherited from parent price lists. Information is read-only, cannot be edited here.

   CIs: List of CIs connected to the product. Information is read-only, cannot be edited here.

   Attachments: In this tab you add attachments to the product. The attachments don´t affect the product functionality. It is various document needed to describe the product, etc.

   Configuration: In this tab you configure connection of the product to a Cost Center, that shall be receiver of charges done for the product.

   History: This tab has two main areas. The top part of the form displays tracking of Product Statuses. For each Status change Status Name, changed Date and User who performed the change is displayed. Below is Activity Log which contains information about every change of a Product property. Each log has information about change date, user who changed value, which property was changed, old and new property value. For detailed information of filters, etc in the history information, read here.

Lower right corner shows current product Status. Here you can save the product in new status.