List Reports

This section describes the settings under Content when List Report is selected in Report Templates function.

Select columns to display

In this tool you choose which columns should be displayed in the report. Only fields that belongs to earlier selected data object is available in the list of choices. You can change the column order by using the arrow buttons right of the list Selected columns.

Filter options

Find specific data and define filter to limit which items to display in the report. Filter function is described in section Report Filter.

Select columns to group

You can group the items in the List Report in regard to an object property, and you can sort the list in three levels. Note that property selected for grouping and sorting not necessarily has to be among selected properties to be displayed as columns in the report.

Select summary type

If you under Properties to display chosen properties that are numeric (e g ”Comment count” (No of comments) or “Actual time in minutes”), these will be displayed as a rows in this table. For this type of column you can choose to perform calculations on each column:

Sum – Sum of the values in the column.

Average – The average value of the column values is calculated.

Maximum value – Displays the topmost value.

Minimum value – Displays the bottom value.

All calculated values are presented at the bottom of the list.

Besides above described calculations you can choose to display the number of rows in the list by marking the checkbox Include count.

Chart types

For all report types there is an option to present data in a diagram. The diagram is displayed in the report above the list.

What is to be shown in the diagram depends on which object type you have selected, but it is not dependent on which columns you chosen in Properties to display. What to be presented in the diagram is defined for each chart type. This is described in section Chart Report.

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