Product Category Properties

Configurations > Product Management > Product Category Properties.

Product Registry is a catalog of all products available, registry defines each product and its attributes, such as name, type, category, manufacturer, etc.

Each product belongs to a Product Category. The categories are basis when you define the product prices, see Price Lists.

The categories are defined in a hierarchical structure with parent and sub types. This structure is defined here.

In this function you configure the set of properties needed to describe a Product Category.

Each Type has an own sets of standard properties. When creating a new type on the basis of an already existing, the new will inherit all the properties from its ancestors. You can customize the types by changing editing standard properties and/or add your own field using the Formbuilder.

Customize a standard field by double clicking on the field and the Edit Property dialog will show. All options are not available on every standard field. For instance is the Name property so essential that it can never be hidden.

   Hide field -either hide the field when item is created.

   Show in info panel - make it show in side panel (left hand side in AP, right in SSP).

   Entity – The field is a dropdown list and here you choose what list of values to show.

   Add dependent field – In Formbuilder topic
