LDAP Server Job list

In this list at the bottom of the page created LDAP Server Jobs are displayed. You can add new LDAP Server Job by clicking the button Add new record above the list. After creating the Server job item open it to create Group and Attribute mappings.

Actions buttons in LDAP Server Job list are:


Sample Data Set: Button for testing the LDAP server job parameters. Clicking the button Sample Data Set will open up a page that will fetch 20 random users or organization units from the LDAP server based on your parameters entered in LDAP server job. This feature is useful as a test, since no changes are saved in NSP.


Sync Now: Button is used to fetch users from the directly from LDAP. This is considered to be online mode. Sync now button will open up a page that will fetch all users from the LDAP server based on your parameters entered in LDAP server job. You are able to select the ones you want to import to NSP by marking them in the far left column, and then clicking button Save. If you want to import all of the shown users, you just click the Save All button (you don’t need to mark them). Click the eye icon (Show all) at the top of the window to turn on all entries view instead of page view.


Sync log: Click here to open dialog with lists of done synchronizations and information about them. Read more here.



Current schedule: Button provides a page for scheduling offline batch sync jobs. This page will allow you to schedule automated syncing of LDAP server and NSP. You are able to set the daily, weekly, monthly or just once generated batch job. The schedule settings are the same as settings for scheduled reports, see Schedule Reports. When the schedule is defined you can see the status of schedule, for example latest and next run time in Scheduled Events.


Clone: Button to clone the existing job configuration.


Delete: Delete selected job.


Edit: Button to edit the existing job. Clicking it opens the same interface as an Add new record page but with previously filled information – which can now be modified.