Service Catalog item view

Service Catalog item view shows all data of the selected item. Left panel contains general data (Service Catalog Item Info). Right part is divided in three tabs, Properties, Related & included services and Configuration, see below.

In the header part you find the Name of Service Catalog item and in right corner are Document Template, Info, Refresh, Edit and Delete buttons.  Which offers possibility of refreshing list, editing or deleting the Service Item.



   Create a document from template: Creates a document containg data from selected service item using a document template.

   Info: More information about the view (User Manual)

   Refresh: Refresh the view.

   Edit: Edit Service Catalog item. Edit uses the same form as Add new item.

   Delete: Delete Service Catalog item. It is not possible to delete active (Published) item. To delete you have to first change Status.

In the bottom part the current Status of the service item is shown. With this button you can change status. Status is the only property you can change from the Service Catalog item view. To change other properties you have to select Edit.

Properties tab

Here you can read data of the service item. Form is devided in sections Short description, Description, General information, Specific information and Order information. All data is view only, to change data you have to select Edit.

Related & included services

The list is divided in four tabs: