News in NSP 11.1

Released 5/10/2021

Agent portal

Service catalog improvements

When adding a service item, it is now possible to enable the option to upload documents when ordering the selected service item within the service catalog on the Self Service Portal.

Read more: Add new Service Catalog item


Pickup tickets

The agent portal has been upgraded with the pickup ticket option. It is possible now to download tickets directly from the ticket list or within the ticket itself. If you select option Pickup ticket, a popup shows where logged in user can choose to which group wants to assign selected tickets.

Read more: Ticket multi update


Leasing improvements

Leasing CI functionality has been expanded with the option of multi-terminate, edit and add different Cis. This means that if you select multiple Cis, you can do the mentioned options on all selected items at the same time.

Read more: Contract – Leased CI


Simple mode improvements

Within the simple ticket mode, the direct mail option is added when adding a new comment. This option works the same as in advanced mode.



Iframe forms improvements

Iframe forms have been enhanced with security restrictions on displaying forms. The form can be displayed on selected domains only or without restrictions. Two options have been added -  Allow same origin and allowed additional domains.

Read more: Form editor


Entity views improvements

Within entity views a new option has been added - displaying the layout and adjusting the column widths in the table.

Read more: Entity views


Email improvements

If you use an email connection on Microsoft exchange server or Office365, you are able to use Microsoft exchange web services (EWS) to send mail. A checkmark option has been added to the user interface  Use smtp to send emails: if this option is selected, then the SMTP protocol will be used to send email, if not, email will be sent via EWS.

Read more: Microsoft Exchange


Extension Management improvements

Within Extension Management, three security levels for uploading files have been added. The default security level when installing the application is low. In the following table you can see a detailed view for each security level.




Check file extensions from allowed/disallowed extensions list. Optimize file names. Check file size for maximum file upload.


Check file extensions from allowed/disallowed extensions list. Optimize file names. Check file size for maximum file upload. Prevent upload of exe files.


Check file extensions from allowed/disallowed extensions list. Optimize file names. Check file size for maximum file upload. Prevent upload of exe files. Validate if file content is in the extensions list (asf, wma, wmv, ogg, oga, ogv, psd, mp3, bmp, dib, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, zip, jar, odt, ods, odp, XML, pdf, doc, xls, ppt, msg, docx, xlsx, pptx, vsdx, apk, aar, rar, class, rpm, flac, mid, midi, ico, z, tar.z, gz, tar.gz, xz, tar.xz, 7z, dmg, exe, bin, bac, tar, mkv, mka, mks, mk3d, webm, mpg, mpeg, woff, woff2, swf, deb, bz2, tif, tiff, cr2, cin, exr, dpx, bpg, lz, ps, fits, dex, vmdk, crx, cwk, fh8, toast, xar, dat, nes, tox, MLV, lz4, cab, flif, stg, der, wasm, lep, rtf, m2p, vob, zlib, lzfse, orc, avro, rc, tbi, jp2, ttf, mdf, pdb, 3gp, 3g2, iso)

Read more: Extension Management


Document templates improvements

Export templates have been enhanced with the ability to specifically format decimal values. If you want to format decimal fields like price, you can use following formatters:

Example value = 62.50000000

[[tagname]:format(.00)]  result: 62.50

[[tagname]:format(sv-SE)] result:  62,50000000

[[tagname]:format(0.00;sv-SE)] result:  62,50

[[tagname]:decimaldelimiter(,)] result:  62,50000000


Self Service Portal

Service catalog improvements

The user profile has been enhanced with the ability to add logged-in user addresses such as adding a delivery order address via Service Catalog.

Within the order confirmation popup in the service catalog ordering process, one more step has been added - to enter the order information and the delivery address.

Read more: View profile SSP

Read more: Shopping cart SSP


Customer Change Notes



Nilex Ticket ID



Agent portal

REQ0011359, REQ0011218, REQ0011039,

REQ0011166, REQ0011158, REQ0010651, REQ0011074, REQ0011265

Notification - Ticket comment mail was sent out twice at same time if settings 'Only send notifications configured for close statuses' was unchecked in global configuration/ Configuration for closing Ticket


Ticket tab Linked Tickets - Add Linked Ticket pop up - tickets without any saved priority were not loaded or could not searched

REQ0011279, REQ0010846

In worklog management, the user can’t save the custom field with type number/text.

REQ0011088, REQ0011291

Document templates - ticket entities: Fields of data type radio button and combo boxes fetched values always from english translation and not as expected in agent language


Ticket  - saved values in custom created date or date/time fields could be removed when ticket form was changed. Problem were existing with following settings in NSP: DB language = not english, Agent language = not english but with time format 12 hours

REQ0010772, REQ0011185

Report templates shown in Report center or preview -  could generate Runtime Error/ Time Out with reports collecting more data and for larger periods

REQ0010906, REQ0010961, REQ0010938

When activating what columns should be searchable, it resulted in eternal loading when trying to link CI to ticket.


Triggers - Egen definierade HTML-fält som används i aktion i triggers - textinmatning ändrades från begränsad text till ett större textfält utan verktygsfält for formatering


Import Ticket Entity - It is now possible to import values for radio buttons to entity Person when importing to entity Ticket


Entity Editor/ Form Builder: Placement of fields with property side by side was ignored in agent form, if the checklist was active on the ticket entity


Text Templates - Fields of type 'only date' used as tag in text templates will be replaced with value only date and not date and time. Fields of type 'Date with time' will be replaced like before with date and time.


Maintenance host

REQ0011312, REQ0011098, REQ0011370, REQ0011410

Notifications - Email text could be sent out sometimes with HTML code which was caused by new email client library


Service catalog


Subject in SCO ticket showed wrong Service item name if it was created from existing.


In SCO ticket - Notification history Description was included even if it the tag was not chosen.


Service Catalog- new check mark on Service Item 'Show delivery address'. Default unmarked, but if it's marked then delivery address is available on SSP Order



REQ0011281, REQ0010903

SSP Logotype - the logo was not displayed on all SSP sites due to savings to the database became corrupt. After the upgrade, the logo must be uploaded again and saving will be correct.

REQ0011376, REQ0011017, REQ0011310

SSP Submit ticket - field category: sub categories where not shown in category pop up window.

REQ0011161, REQ0010980, REQ0011327

SSP - Attachments on ticket description could not be open on the enduser form


Mobile Inventory


Mobile Inventory:  Scanning session, update existing CIs with date and default value did not worked correctly




Nilex Ticket ID



System settings


Account management: Issues in account management – not possible to edit theme
and not possible to change favicon


Tickets with Iframe forms could not be saved 


SMS module Providers - configuration problem


Two-factor authentication (2FA) configuration issues




It was not possible to use reference field for Customers in Charging.


Document templates


Document templates - problems with tags that consist of only one character [[n]]


Nilex Ticket ID


REQ0009509, REQ0007389, REQ0009543, REQ0010082
, REQ0010150

NSP Mobile - Possibility to login in with auth.server URL in Mobile app

REQ0010223, REQ0009908, REQ0010394, REQ0010447,

REQ0010319, REQ0010321

Ticket - tab Linked Tickets - improvements for faster loading and searching in the pop up dialog when linking tickets


New setting in Agent portal configuration: CC Pre-selected in email. - If this  setting is unmarked  CC will not be pre-selected in directmail


New Ticket feature: Icon "Pick up" groups = assigned to me by choosing a group where logged agent is member of (for this entity)
Feature Pick up is also available in multi update tickets  in views


Now during order on service catalog you will be able to enter delivery addresses etc. on SSP.
Enduser must register adress first and then the delivery adress is choosable on order.


Possible to allow attach files to a service Item when ordering in Service catalog on SSP


Channel Email configuration - possibility to send email for Exchange and O365 via EWS not only with SMTP.


Channel Email configuration - Using Oauth not need to enter password anymore


Elasticsearch - support for cluster servers by adding URL in Globalsettings for key: FullTextSearchServerUrlWithPovalue: http://localhost:9100,http://localhost:9200,http://localhost:9300@user:pass
Read more in document 'NSP 11.01 - Installation or upgrade using MSI' included in downloadzip.


Decimal Formatter for Export Templates:
Value = 62.50000
format(.00): 62,50
format(sv-SE): 62,50000
format(0.00;sv-SE): 62,50 ?? 62,5 regarding test
decimaldelimiter(,): 62,00000



Nilex Ticket ID


REQ0006221, REQ0009270, REQ0007573

New setting in Configuration for closing tickets: Unmark all linked tickets by default. If the setting in checked -
all linked tickets are unmarked by default.
Agent can chose which tickets to close


Ticket/ Tab Linked Tickets: Added possibility to link multiply tickets with one comment 


SSP My Tickets - function that make it possible for endusers to  Export ticket list to PDF and Excel

REQ0009923, REQ0010510

Ticket field assignee and pop up search -  loading of groups default items/page is changed from 20 items to 5 to avoid scroll for saving if you have many agent groups.



Nilex Ticket ID



System settings


Teams chat bot doesn't know the tenant ID of web chat client

REQ0010563, REQ0010564

TEAMS: Language in teams was only available in english. Now it is available in Norwegian


Problem with finding texts that were surrounded by invisible HTML characters. Now wildcard * is set at the beginning and end of the search text.

REQ0010277, REQ0009790

Ticket created by mail - sometimes emails were ignored and the ticket was not created correctly and incorrect reply email
with the wrong ticket number went out to the requester.

REQ0009872, REQ0010391

Global configuration - Dashboard Configuration - changes couldn't be saved - 500 Internal Server Error 

REQ0009909, REQ0010337

Wrong page was open when agent click on user reference links in KB, CI & Contracts


System settings/Configuration/Global configuration - Dashboard Widget configuration - settings couldn't be saved -> 500 Internal Server Error


Tag {v:record.BaseDescription} was not resolved in email email template if the SCO ticket was new


Entity editor: Fields in group with odd value of fields with enabled Side By Side in all fields did disrupt the order for fields in other groups


Entity editor: Scrollbar was missing when choosing visibility condition for category

REQ0010066, REQ0010656

Entity Editor / Form editor: Create new ticket form - Only mandatory fields from Ticket Base Entity + mandatory field from Ticket Entity are required - message pop up is shown when some fields are missing


The API call getentitytypeinfo which describes which fields are available on an entity could return too many records.


System settings/Configuration/Global configuration - Dashboard Widget configuration - settings couldn't be saved -> 500 Internal Server Error


Roles and permissions: New features was enabled automatic in roles


Administration/People - it was not possible to export agents to Pdf  - Server error

REQ0010269, REQ0009525, REQ0009528, REQ0009349

LDAP: Access token expired after 20 minutes. This could cause manual syncs attempts to fail

REQ0009880, REQ0009599

Direct mail via ticket did not use the correct email address according to configuration


Ticket notifications - Email Delimiter was missing in outgoing mails where it's marked in text template


It was not possible to save a role if view permission was on scope Organisation


It was not possible to delte or edit a clickable field that exist on a form in entity editor


It was not possible to use "Columns" to specify which columns should be returned by getentitylistByquery for entitype "CI".

REQ0008310, REQ0009749

Add named users to licence, not all users were added to the license due to issue with paging


Was not possible to save Global function settings when having version Xpress or Xpress Plus


Scheduled jobs were set 1-2 hours wrong because of problems with UTC conversion.


It is now possible to use "Columns" to specify which columns should be returned by getentitylistByquery for entityType "CI".


It is now possible to search with "search" and "searchColumns" in getentitylistByquery for entityType "CI" .


Entity editor: Datefield size went back to 100 % when form is edited.

REQ0009641, REQ0009622, REQ0010238

Email configuration: Email reply mail mail was not sent if you had in the setting 'No reply email' not selected

REQ0010367, REQ0010371

Channel - Email alias in the Microsoft Graph account could be saved into ticket field CC under certain circumstances.


Document templates (Tickets) - date fields couldn't be presented correct and libary was now updated

REQ0009771, REQ0009171

Incoming mail sent to NSP with digital signature - in created ticket the embedded images was missing

REQ0009269, TEQ0010327

Full Text Search Tickets - Agent could search / find tickets without permissions to ticket group

REQ0009453, REQ0009541

Problem with SMTP configuration


Fields marked as personal data fields in GDPR settings are now emptied in ticket history
(and in fields in ticket form) at approved request from enduser about emptying personal data.

REQ0007947, REQ0008059, REQ0010137, REQ0007532, REQ0007475
REQ0010240, REQ0007671

 When reactivating user via sync, the user was not fully activated, and could for example not be set as Requester on a ticket.

REQ0010453, REQ0010450

When reactivating user via sync, the user was not fully activated, and could for example not be set as Requester on a ticket


Setting: "user removed from specified AD group, set to inactive in NSP" did not work


Document templates: The template did not include the field radio button from the ticket


Work schema: User status in top right corner did not ignore breaks despite breaks being deselected in Work scheme.


Organization import: The 'Import log' button didn't work when clicking on it with the left mouse button. You had to rightclick on it and open in new tab.


Error could occure when deleting logs automatically after sync: "Only create one unit of work transaction at a time"


It was possible to choose deleted email templates in SLA Threshold notifications


Export templates: The agent could was not able to see a value in description field in excel when using export template,
also agent couldn't see the rich text from ticket and requester.


Agentportal Tickets/ Tasks


Ticket - Tab CI: If agent clicked on CI tab when creating a new ticket - System would freeze for the agent.


Ticket Data template could not be saved if some Group component field was included on used entity form - Server Error


Ticket: User created Field for data tree was not saved if agent uses key tab or enter and the search pop up was empty

REQ0010678, REQ0010652

Agent was not redirected to ticket when clicking on the entity link in the mail, instead they god redirected to to Dashboard

REQ0010365, REQ0009604

NSP was sometimes hanging when agent updated ticket with additional info, Error message like "Error while saving comment"
and "Page is not responding" appeared


Ticket in simple mode: Visibility condition showed too much information


Quickstep Split ticket couldn't be applied - Server error


Tasks on tickets couldn't be saved - Server error was shown


Views with date range filter options for date formats other than Swedish is solved - ex Created greather than 01/02/2021 and Created less than 20/04/2021


Dashboard - My groups - dropdown box groups:  only agent groups with marked property 'is available in assignee box' will be shown now.

REQ0009287, REQ0009649

Views - saved filter option on field CC didn't work  - ticket list remained empty and generated message "Function Error"

REQ0008338, REQ0005586, REQ0005436

Ticket form/tab Organization: Values in Custom fields on entity Organization were not shown on ticket tab Organization
for other entities than Request and Incident.
Now it's visible on all entities.


Agentportal - problem that agents could be logged out randomly was related to Workschema and Calender User status


Ticket - Only current time instead of historic date/time was shown on all entries in notification history 


Ticket created on SSP could get the same ticket number

REQ0009841, REQ0009914

Ticket - Direct mail was inserted in wrong ticket if agent were located in the wrong ticket tab

REQ0010046, REQ0010697

Using Add + tab did open  default entity form even if agent did not have permission that entity.
Now the form on the entity that the agent is allowed to create tickets on will open.

REQ0009553, REQ0010146

 NSP would stop responding if agent open an already open ticket in user profile

REQ0009905, REQ0009805, REQ0009829, REQ0010312,
REQ0010584, REQ0009998

Ticket "Updated by" could show incorrect user with a random name.


Ticket CSV Import - if organization was mapped to existing organization then tickets or new users were not created


Linked tickets did not show under tab linked ticket if there were no requester on the ticket


The columns requester and agent is now added to ticket tab organisation and related tickets on organization


Quicksteps - Split tickets: It was not possible to edit description in "main" ticket

REQ0009803, REQ0010300

Linked tickets: If agent closed linked tickets with diffrent entities the linked ticket will get the main tickets closed status


Global Configuration Entity Status - not possible to inactivate status which was NOT IN USE in system

REQ0006231, REQ0006514, REQ0008648

Attached file was not sent in mailtemplate for reseolved if no english mailtemplate was included


SSP - Register new user better language handling - now correct dialogs are shown in chosen language and user will be
saved with chosen language and not as before only in NSP default language

REQ0009700, REQ0009661

Quicksteps: The selection - "Create new "entity" and connect" changed the status on the main ticket

REQ0003884, REQ0003685, REQ0009712

Dashboard: User created dropdown fields did not show any value on Dashboard


Ticket Checklist - Update Checklist Template - template list was not loaded an update was not possible

REQ0009837, REQ0009831

Ticket comments - response emails to tickets were marked as if "Super Admin ***" updates the ticket instead of the actual sender.


Ticket Checklist - Update Checklist Template - template list was not loaded an update was not possible


 Dashboard - Ticket Status bar selection could load tickets only if you was loacated on page 1 in list


Ticket - Only current time instead of historic date/time was shown on all entries in notification history 


Ticket template: It was not possible to delete the assignee or group in ticket template

REQ0009757, REQ0008605

Value in radiobutton was deleted when agent worked with several tickets with the same ticketform


It was not possible to create a new Task via the API (saveentity)


Ticket: Agents could receive notification at their own assigment of tickets, which was caused by the wrong agent being set as updated by


All linked tickets was closed if the main ticket wa closed, even the once that was not selected to be closed


Indexed Search Settings displayed no entities if translations did not exist for entity names.

REQ0010059, REQ0010281

Chrome / Firefox - you could get autofilling in subject & search fields with password or mailadresses


Dashboard /Views filter - Date filters failed the first time and agents had to add filtersetting again


Quickstep - Print tickets didn't fetch correct print template in same language as agent has chosen in NSP. Problem was related to browser language.


Elasticsearch: Ticket search-  In the category tree, checkbox components were not always visible in Firefox.


Email origin - Reply mails to existing ticket - comment header line addresses/ email origin was added as (To)
 not as CC if the system was added as CC on the mail

REQ0007667, REQ0007129

Ticket could not be saved with multiselect field with reference set as mandatory used on form, unless mandatory setting was removed again
NOTE! Multiselect field can only be set as mandatory on Entity level not on form level


Group search in pop up search för assignee field showed groups that was not available as assignee.


Elastic Search: Date filter in tab "Ticket search" did not work


It was not possible to fetch ticket history via getentitylistbyquery and entityType "rptHistoryDataReprotView".


Document templates: Function document templates did not work if pictures was copied in the description field.


XSS Protection - Copy&Pasted mail text from IBM Lotus into tickets - Text was cut. Problem is solved by adding new tag in all NSP local config files
on server. You will find info in upgrade documentation add key="XSSProtectUseHtmlAgilityPack" value="false

REQ0007599, REQ0009562

Elasticsearch: Previously, too many search hits were returned when:
 using phrase search within double quotes, e.g. "web browser" and using search criteria containing hyphen, e.g.: AB-023456ABZ


Ticket could not be updated due to JSON serialization/deserialization if there was an animated GIF in the email footer. The Gif was to bigg to save in database.


Direct mail in ticket: Agent could not reach send button in directmail if you had an DPI on 150 %, a scrollbar is now added so it is easy to reach send button


Task templates: It was not possible to edit the template if it the description was included with  HTML tags


Comment timer on Tickets: In boroswer Edge and Chrome - Comment counter on tickets stopped counting if there was no activity in the system during a longer time


Checklist on ticket: Checklist on ticket was missing if the ticket form did not include a description field.




Knowledge Base:  recommended Articles was not sorted with newest first on SSP


Permission Schema for knowledgebase: User could not delete and edit article even though the user had permission for this rule


Notifications in Knowledgebase: No notifications would be send out to user if status was Pending approval


Notification on article: Problem to send out notifications if notification is depending on two things both keyword and status


It was not possible to import an docx file if the file to create an article if the document contained an image


The searchpatch was missing for articles on SSP


Self Service Portal

REQ0009980, REQ0009768

SSP - Register new user account via logon dialog  - wrong GDPR dialog was shown - Now GDPR General Agreement is shown


If "link only one CI" was enabled on entity the CI column was missing on the SSP ticket after one CI is linked to ticket 

REQ0009962, REQ0008147, REQ0008371, REQ0008439, REQ0010396

SSP - tickets created on SSP could be saved without requester after session time out


If browser language was other language than Swedish search with date filter on SSP don’t work


Visibility conditions did not work for anonymous forms in iFrame


SSP: wrong ticket form was open for requester on SSP if the ticket was created from Agent portal.
The default form was open so information was missing in the right panel


Entity editor: Datefield size went back to 100 % when form is edited.


Visibility conditions dont work for anonymous forms in iFrame


Trigger on SSP Form: Method find form would recalculate and change form on the enduser form on SSP


SSP Form: Data type Image did not add the image to the ticket


SSP configuration - SSP Themes: When Enduser logged in for the first time there was no pop up to select an SSP theme


Sort ascending and descending dont work in POP up for requester on SSP forms

REQ0007550, REQ0007175

SSP My Tickets: Not all configured columns were displayed if user was an agent and had a user created role




Property number was exceeding it's limit of 9 numbers, not it goes up 999 999 999


Duplicating CI would also copy over external reference to the copy


Export template would fail if there were to many CI's.

REQ0009291, REQ0007618, REQ0007298, REQ0007304

To many options hid other buttons, scroll function has been added to properties Dropdown, checkbox group and radiobutton group 


Depreciation calculator kept counting even after the end date has passed which resulted in negative Book value and wrong depreciation value.


Base person was missing as an option in reference property.

REQ0007777, REQ0009131, REQ0009226

New products and vendors that got add through import could only be seen by Super admins, now all agents can see them.


In import updating existing CI's, mapping Vendor a second would remove vendor from CI.

REQ0008487. REQ0009332

Existing CI's could not be updated through import if property was marked as Unique


Import:  Wrong column was chosen in CSV if there were 2 column with same name. Now an error will appear before mapping part


Property decimal did not show correct value if windows language was Danish.


In multiupdate choosing Empty did not clear old values


Using Danish language when exporting in CMDB status would appear in English.


 Length of text for CI groups could not reach it's limit of 64 characters without empty spaces


 Using Danish language would show wrong translation of type in CI list by group and selecting a group.


In Entity actions - if "Add product" was disabled, you could still bypass permission by opening a CI and click on + next to product.

REQ0010659, REQ0010640

Dragging a property from one place to another would result in that all property names was change to english language


Service Catalog


Radio button group was never mandatory to choose from even if it was set as mandatory.

REQ0009452, REQ0008266

Service catalog was empty if a service item had 2 groups in view permission and order permission.

REQ0009781, REQ0010400

Create from existing service item did not inherit options from properties Dropdown, checkbox group and radio button group


Creating service item from existing item resulted in eternal loading for older service items
and the copy could not be opened after refreshing the site.


Saving service item in draft mode would result in Name, short description and description would change to "system language" 


User would get temporarily locked when searching for a user through order on behalf of if there were many users.


Saving service item in draft mode would result in Name, short description and description would change to "system language" 


In service item, all mapping in manage properties was not visible after first save.


Searching for a user through Order on behalf of in a service item, in the dropdown window email adress was not displayed.

REQ0010462, REQ0010485

SSP  Submit Ticket or order - under certain cirumstances, new tickets could not be saved.
Order could not be saved if some info field was on Service Item



REQ0009907, REQ0009976

NNS Agent stopped to work after beiung active for some time and had to be restarted.


NSP Mobile



NSP Mobile (Android and Iphone) values for ticket fields Urgency and Impact didn't loaded correct when new ticket was created

REQ0010156, REQ0009181, REQ0008931, REQ0009303, REQ0010373,
REQ0009010, REQ0009906

Mobile session time out is 20 minutes by default and releoad or log out didn't work after that. Now both works again,
 but if it was done some recycle on website in IIS then it can be that you must restart mobile app and log in again


Not possible to attache a file in ticket from mobile application




Date/time formats will always be sent out in chosen language in scheduled reports.
 Note! Report preview will always use date/time format in browser language


Standard Report 'Tickets by submission channel' report empty on initial loading when entity Request was not used in system


standard reports: User whas not able to see priority after changed to prio higher than 5. If prio was 6 or higher, the prio did not show in column


Standard reports: Tickets outside Buisness hours was shown incorrect


Standard Reports, language tags for source was missing 

REQ0010349, REQ0010553

Report templates: Report filtered on "previous week" did not list all tickets in the scheduled report



REQ0009527, REQ0010466

Event trigger did not add CC to CC field on the ticket


Event trigger did not send ote any mails due to a memory leak


Trigger on SSP Form: Method find form did recalculate and change form on SSP


Export templates


User could not get ticket ID and subject when mapping invoice detaild in mapping field


Social Media Management


Pictures in Facebook Messenger was missing when customer receiveed a picture from ticket that have been created from Messenger


There were no linebreaks in Messenger when customer received an answer in Facebook Messenger


If enduser send a "Thumbs up"  from messanger "OK" no icon did appeared in the ticket




If Spareparts was used in worklog - it was mandatory to add a CI