News in NSP 11.2

Released 8/03/2022


Agent portal

Service Catalog improvements

Within the Service Catalog function, improvements were made with an additional two new options Related services and depended services.

Related service items list shows service items which are related to this service item, and offers the possibility to relate service item or remove the association. These related service items will be displayed in SSP service item view.

Depended service list shows group of service items on which open item depend, and offers the possibility to add more depended groups of service items or delete existing items. These depended service items will be listed in SSP service item view if group is active and will be charged.

Read more: Service Catalog item view

Read more: Service Item Form


Pickup tasks

This feature allows us easier assigning tasks for the logged in user. When you select one or more tasks from the list, the pickup task option appears. Clicking on this option opens a popup where you can select your group to which you want to add previously selected tasks. 

Read more: Task list


Favorite ticket templates

New option on agent dashboard is available - by clicking on icon favorite in top bar menu you will get a dropdown list with favorite ticket templates. Clicking on a template from the list, a new ticket form will be automatically opened, with filled in data from the selected template. To add a ticket template as a favorite, you need to mark it as a favorite in the ticket template configuration.

Read more: Agent Interface Overview


Requested ticket by Organization

New option Requested by Organization in ticket form is available, which allows us to report ticket from organizational level. If the ticket is requested by an organization, then it will be visible in organizations ticket list and on Self Service Portal within view Tickets from my organization. If this property has some value, then Organization tab on the ticket view will take and show this value, not from End-user organization.

Read more: Ticket - Main properties


Announcement permissions

The announcement function has been improved with the possibility to set a permission for each announcement who hat has the right to view/edit certain announcement item.

Read more: Announcement Form

Republish archived knowledgebase article

The option to archive a knowledgebase item has been enhanced with the ability to republish a previously archived item.

Read more: Knowledge Base Article default lifecycle



Email resending filter

NSP has a function to stop resending failed delivery emails, to avoiding mail loop.

In database there is a global setting to activate resend filter. By default, filter does not exist in database. To change the setting, run the database script:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'EmailErrorList', '["Failed Delivery", "Invalid Credentials"]'

Value in brackets [] represents your list of failure reasons for which you want to stop resending emails.

Read more: Resend filter


Entity form improvements

Within Entity Editor form there is now possibility to define read-only field on forms. If you have an HTML text property, it is possible to set the property as read-only (info field), where the value of the property will be displayed without the possibility of editing. This option only exists on the Self Service Portal.

Read more: Form Editor Properties


Force two-factor authentication

We added new functionality within Login Policy. Mark this checkbox if you want to force Two factor authentication (2FA). In this case all users will be forced to using 2FA security system that requires an additional login credential – beyond just the username and password – to gain account access. NOTE: IF force 2FA is enabled user will not be able to disable 2FA settings in user profile.

Read more: Login Configuration - Policy

Read more: Login


Document and export template permissions

Within document and export templates, possibility to set view permissions was added. Set Access Scope: Clicking on button Set Access Scope in the templates list, opens a popup where you can adjust the permissions of who has the right to use this document template. You can adjust the permissions on all levels.

Read more: Document templates

Read more: Export templates


Login-password policy

Security levels within login password policy has been enchased –high security levels now demand password with minimum 9 characters. Login configuration now as well includes force two factor authentication checkmark.

Read more: Login Configuration – Policy


Manual ticket creation on order

Within the global feature settings for the function Service Catalog, there is a new option - activating the manual creation of ticket for the service order. If this option is enabled, then the ticket will not be created automatically after the approving order item, but the create ticket button will appear within the view order instead.

Read more: Global function settings

Survey- group level

When defining a survey question, it is now possible to select a group. If a question has a selected group, then that question will only be displayed if the ticket is assigned to the same group. All questions that do not have a selected group, will be displayed to everyone.

Read more: Define survey


Self Service Portal

Custom ticket views on SSP

Within the section My tickets on the Self Service Portal, in addition to the existing system views, we have added now the option of displaying a custom view. You can administer custom views within the existing Entity Views functionality.

Read more: My tickets

Customer Change Notes 11.2


Nilex Ticket ID



Agentportal - on add new ticket option to apply Ticket Data Templates


Tasks - new option to assign to me by Pick up my group


Ticket Data Templates can be marked as favorites and are selectable in agent portal on top menu star icon

REQ0011883, REQ0012001

SSP Submit ticket view - SSP forms can be designed with colours for title text , background and description text


E-mail - SendSmtp:Error Message :Too many invalid recipients - implementation of new globalkey settings in DB to prevent the problem to sent mail to non valid emailaddress.


API: Permissions for read/write added on role level. Role -> Entity Actions -> Public API


Knowlegdebase: Lifecycle stages updated - Allow republish archived KB-articles


New feature - In service items there is a new tab called related services. In related service you can add other service items which will be suggested when looking at the service item in SSP. In SSP opening a service item at the bottom all related service items will be displayed, clicking on the service related service item will open that service item.


New feature - In service catalog there is a new tab named Contains service items, this allows to link multiply service items to one service item. In SSP when opening a service item there is a category Named Contains which shows all items that are included for this service item. These items does not update current price of the service item, contains can be seen in cart and order in SSP and Order managment in agent portal.


New feature, In service item a new tab has been added which allows to link other service items to it. In SSP the user has the option to choose from the list what to add, selecting a item will show options for that service item (if there are any), the price will get updated automatically. I cart you can see chosen item for that service item and in agent portal the approver can decide which items to approve and not.


In global function settings under service items there is function which disables automatic ticket creation when service item is approved, after approval an create ticket icon appears in right corner which allows the user to decide if they want a ticket or not. When disable ticket is active then master ticket can't be activated.


Login Configuration: Under tab POLICY there is a new setting 'Force Two-Factor Authentication'. When logging in, the user will then be forced to configure Two-Factor Authentication if it has not been configured before.


API: Permissions for read/write added on role level. Role -> Entity Actions -> Public API


In cart there is a button named 'Edit' which allows the user to go back to service item and makes changes.


New system field 'TicketOrganizationId = Requested by Organization' on Base Request (Base Entity - Do not change) which is referens field to entity Organization


In CTI tools the user can access and edit any ticket in the system by modifying the id value


Entity editor : SSP form - support for Info fields


Agent Userprofile: New settings 'Enable datasource Requester/CC filter' which will be applied on search requester and CC field in agent ticket form and default group on ticket/task pick up


Survey - Permission on survey questions assigned to ticket groups


SSP View, custom created views shown on SSP


Billboard - Announcements permissions

REQ0009577, REQ0011854, REQ0011853, REQ0011856, REQ0011818

Improvements in saving ticket comments to avoid hangs and time outs


Role: New permissions for Attachments tab, Attachments add, Attachments download


New image uploader in text editor in CI, KB, Contract, Service catalog and Ticket restricted mode


Agent  User profile: New setting for selecting the default entity for new ticket on Add + menu

Functional changes

Nilex Ticket ID



Through SSP theme, color text for custom properties can be set in secondary text.


Agentportal Pick Up ticket/-s: Function is used to assign ticket/-s to me by choosing one of my groups. If you want to preload some of your groups, you have to make settings in your agent userprofil tab settings 'Default group on ticket/task pickup'


SSP Submit ticket: Visibility condition on group component supported on SSP ticket forms


Triggers: Support for multi-select reference fields in trigger conditions implemented


Default value that has been selected in mobile doesn’t updated in NSP web, this problem occurs when updating the existing CIs


Nilex Ticket ID



SSP Submit ticket: Visibility condition on group component supported on SSP ticket forms


SSP Submit ticket view - SSP forms can be designed with colours for title text , background and description text


MS Teams settings Azure connection secret  - info is hidden and replaced by characters in GUI


Nilex Ticket ID


REQ0009971, REQ0011160, REQ0009783

Agent portal, Ticket views: Sometimes too many tickets were suddenly shown in view with filter 'in my groups'. (A problem remains after searching in Elasticsearch)


Elasticsearch: Newly created entities could not be indexed because they were greyed out.


The search result for KB's by the keyword from ticket subject in agent portal and SSP doesnt give the same results as the search of kb in agent portal


Ticket, Mail form: It was not possible to attach file larger than 10mb even though you had set a higher limit under 'Extension Management'


Report templates - in worklog, the total duration hours/minutes not correct when using schedule reports


API: getentitylistbyquery did not work with entity type SysEntitySLAConditionstage

REQ0010826, REQ0006457

Email config -  Disclaimer in replymail new ticket + subject text from template was missing, when using 'No Email replay' unchecked in Email configuration


Popular services did not sort after most ordered.


In export template worklog, the date format for start time AM and PM, even though my profile and system set to 24 hours


Permissions, Roles: Permissions set on field level in roles were not applied in forms


Street number was not visible in order confirmation window and adress.


In cart, Confirm order window was missing a scroll bar.


Ticket form advanced mode: Checklist - the distinctive black line around the checklist was changed to gray


Scheduled tickets: When re-editing, Start/End dates could be wrong/corrupted for languages Danish, Norwegian, German. English and Swedish worked. May have to clear browser cache.


In work log additional charge, in Danish language the system shows error in decimal format ex. instead of 500, 00 show 50.000,00


Ticket - replaymail on comment: max file size for attachments was ignored and message "Maximum allowed size: 5 MB" was shown instead.

REQ0012004, REQ0011779

CMDB - Product and Vendor would appear as empty in exported file


AP / SSP Ticket and Ticket views: CI count was not updated correctly when linking or unlinking CIs


Report Templates shown in Report Center or preview -  could generate Runtime Error/ Time Out with reports collecting more data and for larger periods. In report preview now only max 100 items will be presented and in Report Center large data reports which could not be loaded will be send as attachment to your email.


In SSP - Linked CI did not appear in ticket in SSP

REQ0011839, REQ0011375, REQ0011379

Changing Name on a CI did not update in all areas where CI names i displayed.


The user can lease multiple items and can set leasing period, start date etc. If he has been selected multiple CIs with same product will be able to see the price, but If he selected multiple CIs with different product he will not be able to see the price.


Ticket form  - mulitiselect reference field - saved values were not reloaded directly when changing the ticket form


Some products could be ordered without choosing customer account


Ticket, Mail form: It was not possible to attach file larger than 10mb even though you had set a higher limit under 'Extension Management'


SMS: Messages sent via Cellsynt and Telavox were truncated at special characters


If the user create his own type and entered all the information and press save he get (error occurred during saving)

REQ0011733, REQ0011939

The user can’t see all the ticket that have been created from CTI in incoming call


Agent portal: E-mail could under certain conditions be sent to a person you had first selected as CC in the e-mail dialog but then removed again


Agent portal: Categories which are configured as 'Not selectable' can now not be selected in ticket in the agentportal. (SSP not corrected yet)


The user cannot choose any name from the list if more than one user shares the same number.

REQ0009436, REQ0009873

Scopes on forms: Superadmin could not see or edit forms set at user / group / organization scope


Poweruser could not read CI's if they weren't set as used by or managed by.


Survey: Problem with survey where receiver of survey could not see any question is solved


API: getentitylistbyquery did not work with entity type SysEntitySLASummary


Mail: Incoming mail with digital signature and attachments send to NSP - attachments where missing in tickets

REQ0011822, REQ0011892, REQ0011510

Agent Userprofile tab settings is avalaible  again on all NSP product type licenses, NOTE! Autoupdate of Views is only included in Nilex Pro and Enterprise