News in 11.8.

Released 17/06/2024


Text templates

All ticket comments with details - This is a new tag in text templates, that adds the author and the time stamp for each message made on the ticket.

Approval flow remark tag - These are the new tags in text templates, that add the information on the last remark made on order and/or the latest remark with the remark author, message, approval status, and the time stamp.


SSP Configuration – Dashboard

The SSP configuration has been improved with additional options for controlling widgets on the dashboard. With this functionality, you will be able to better adapt the SSP dashboard to the needs of your organization.

Read more: SSP Dashboard

SSP navigation – Internal links

Within the SSP navigation module, a new function for creating an internal link has been added. This function will allow you to create a direct link, for example, to My tickets.

Read more: SSP navigation

Integrations – SCIM

System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) is an open standard protocol for automating the exchange of user identity information between identity domains (for example Microsoft Azure) and IT systems (NSP Application).  Within NSP, two modes of operation of SCIM are implemented - SCIM Clients and SCIM Servers. With the help of the SCIM Client, it is possible to send requests to the SCIM Server to manage identity information. While the SCIM Server enables the reverse logic, that is, the external SCIM client can call the NSP SCIM server for manipulation of identity informations.

Read More: SCIM

Entity Management – Serial numbers

The function for generating serial numbers has been improved with the addition of formatting for the display of the generated value. The generated value chart can now be displayed in 3 formats:


   EAN 8 (numerical barcode)

   EAN 13 (numerical barcode).

When choosing Text type, you can use both text and numbers to configure the serial number pattern.  When choosing EAN 8 or EAN 13, the pattern should contain numbers only. Any letter or special characters added to this pattern will be deleted. 

Read more: Serial numbers

Rest API – ticket relations

NSP API has been improved to allow creating and managing ticket and CI relationships, as well as managing relation types. Ticket links and CI relationships can now be added and deleted, and relation types can also be created and deleted.


Rest API – Unit4

New endpoints for the NSP API have been implemented to support data import (CRUD) from Unit4, allowing for the creation and management of cost centers and departments. These operations include inserting, updating, adding, and removing members, as well as activating or deactivating cost centers. The system automatically determines whether to insert or update based on the provided ExternalId.


Property editor – multiselect and tree view reference field

Improvements have been made for the form engine multi-select and tree view reference. Both controls include dependency clear and errors.


Settings – LDAP Server Job

You can now create an organization from the LDAP. In the LDAP settings job, we use the AD attribute for the organization name. If the organization exists, it will be assigned to the user; if not, it will be created and then assigned to the user.

Read more: LDAP Server Job setting

Integration – Flex HR

Integration with Flex HR has been improved with new options for sync companies from Flex HR. Employee data from Flex HR will be converted within Nilex as users.

Read more: Flex HR


Configuration – Security XSS

Improvements have been added for security XSS within NSP. All iframes are prohibited by default, but if you want to add a domain, you must declare it in the localSite.config file for the key XssProtectAllowedIframeUrls. If you have more domains, you can add with ;

eg adding

<add key="XssProtectAllowedIframeUrls" value =""/>

Read more: Security XSS


Agent portal

CMDB – Facility CI

Facility CIs are CI properties that allow you to configure each CI and assign it to a specific location, i.e. facility within your internal organization.

There are four facility types:  

Management – e.g. organization name, like Nilex 

Building – e.g. Headquarters 

Floor – e.g. Ground floor 

Room – e.g. Conference Room 

To start associating these facilities to your existing or new CIs, start by adding them from the CMDB section. You can add each facility type from the left panel, by clicking Add Management /Building /Floor /Room.  




Adding CI facilities from the left panel 

Read more: Facility Cis

CMDB – CI owner

CI Owner is a newly introduced system property. You can now add this property field to all your CI types. 

Further, Each CI property type now comes with a new configurable behavior “Edit restricted by Owner” that once check-marked makes the field read-only for all users except for the CI Owner. This means the locked field's values can be changed exclusively by the CI Owner.  



Property builder – Edit restricted by Owner 

Ownership over CI can be transferred to a different user but can only be performed by the CI Owner or a role with permission to overrides rules (e.g. super administrator). After the ownership has been transferred, your CI will indicate the Previous Owner ID (this property field is set by the system and is always read-only). All changes within the CI will be available in the log history tab.

Read more: CI owner

CMDB – Lock CI verification

Lock CI Verification is an addition to the Lock CI feature. It enables additional verification of the CI by a specific user.  

To activate the option, click the padlock icon above the CI grid on the right:  

Lock CI  


Click on the padlock icon opens a pop-up giving you options to leave a remark, i.e. explain why the CI is being locked, a field where you set the CI Verifier – a user who should verify/validate this CI and a dropdown list of users to choose from, who will then receive a notification that the CI was locked.  

Note that none of the fields are mandatory but are highly recommended when using this option to keep the concerned people aware of the changes. 

CI can be locked by any agent who has permission to add and edit CI. Immediately after locking, the locked CI will have a padlock icon next to each tab for other users indicating it cannot be edited. Hover over the padlock icon in the top right shows the information of the user who locked the CI. 

Read more: CI lock verification


Ticket Management – Resize to ticket layout

You can now change the size of the ticket layout and side menus by moving the screen splitter left or right.


Ticket view – view attachment without downloading

Images can be viewed without having to download them. This option is now available in 3 places:
1) Ticket attachments, 2) Comment attachments, and 3) Attached file page.


Service Catalog – Order confirmation message

Service Catalog has been improved with new field – order configuration message. This field is text field,  that should be used to add a confirmation message to the service item, that will be shown to the end-user upon ordering. Formatting tools are available same as for the Description field.

Read more: Add new Service Catalog item – Data

Nilex live chat

This feature enables chatting between end-users and agents, or agents among themselves. 

To enable the feature, go to Configurations > Settings > Global function settings > Chat and mark Enabled (*make sure to save and refresh the page to apply settings).  

The chat bubble on the Self-service portal is placed in the bottom right corner of the screen by default. It can be moved to the left, if you mark the option “Position chat left”. 

Once the chat option is enabled, the chat bubble icon will show in the header of the Agent portal and bottom right on the Self-service portal. 

AP: Chat settings 

Read more: Nilex chat


Agent CMDB – import CI

CSV import has been improved with dinamic mapping function for identification of existing Cis. If mapping within properties refers to field "import value", then the mapping logic will look at the selected property from the list. This means, for example, if you map refNo to the import value and select No in the reference dropdown, the system will try to find an existing Ci with that value. In case you do not map the "import value" field, the standard logic based on external reference is applied.

Read more: CI CSV Direct Import


Self Service Portal

KB Article – Print button

Knowledgebase articles on SSP from now on have possiblity to be printed out. Print button is placed in the top right corner of the article. Clicking on it will open the print form which will contain the article title, reference number and the properties. 

Read more: SSP Print KB article

Customer Change Notes 11.8

Improvements/ Wishes/ RFC's / Bugs

Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's

Category/ Kategori


REQ0016618, REQ0016567, REQ0016589, REQ0016748, REQ0016759, REQ0017282

SSP Navigation

SSP Navigation - possibility to link to SSP menu sites without open in new browser tab. Improvements for text formatting for title and description


SSP Navigation

SSP Navigation - names were handled unique and you couldn't create same title twice


SSP Configurations

SSP Configurations: In settings for tab Dashboard it is now possible to activate / deactivate links in the main menu, e.g. "Submit ticket", "My tickets" etc. Role permissions for seeing these functions are still checked.


SSP Configurations

SSP configuration - Dashboard: Selection of the number of columns for SSP Navigation Links expanded from 4 up to 10


SSP Configurations

SSP Configuration : License control for Dashboard Widget Announcements in NSP Pro


SSP, Self Service Portal

SSP Ticket views: Word wrap introduced for long view names. Adjustment of font size of view name.


SSP, Self Service Portal

SSP - Language picker is hidden if only one language is available in NSP


SSP, Service Catalog

SC - Order info/Service details is not shown in service item if there are no properties.


SSP, knowledgebank

Users now have the ability to generate printouts of KB documents from the SSP platform



Notification: Entity link to ticket sent out via notifications was opened via a redirect always in the agent portal if user was of type Agent. Change from 11.8 - the ticket link will always be opened on SSP for both Agents and Endusers.

REQ0016709, REQ0017099

Global configuration & User Profile

Global configuration for Timer in Agent Portal: If Timer is not enabled Timer is not shown on SSP / Agentportal comments, except agent have own settings in agent user profile


AP, Agent Portal

Ticket form in edit mode: possibility to resize split between left and middle panel


AP, Agent Portal

Knowledge Base and Ticket search settings - widget right panel has change order and articles are now on top and Ticket Subject to auto-fill search on create ticket and open existing ticket is in use.



Agent Portal: Improvements regarding loading ticket list in Dashboard.



CMDB - Improvements to lock CI. User can get notification when CI is locked (optional), system template has been added to text template which can be edited. CI view can be created so logged in users can see which CIs are locked to them (SSP/AP). Hand signature has been added (not mobile app) when unlocking CI (optional) and can be viewed in entity lock history.



CMDB - In CI a property has been added named Owner and in properties an options has been added Edit restricted by owner. When a CI has owner set, then only owner can make changes to those properties. For other users that open CI in edit mode will only be able to read marked properties.



Global function settings - CI, enable facility properties. When active new types are added in CMDB, Mangement, building, Floor, Room. When used properties becomes mandatory, ex choosing building then management is mandatory. In CI under three dots add facility has been added, popup window opens up where user cans elect options from.


Order Management

Approval flow - Tag for remark has been added as option for approved/rejected templates.



KB: Implementation of improved search functionality in the Knowledge Base (KB) based on dropdown lists in Agent Portal and SSP.


LDAP Sync settings

LDAP: New setting "Organization AD Attribute" on LDAP job to be able to sync user to new or existing Organization from value in an AD attribute on the user


Attached files

AP Ticket form: It is now possible to directly preview attached pictures on tickets / comments by clicking on the thumbnails. In the tab Attachments there is also a corresponding menu choice for viewing the respective picture.


License & Entity Editor

Entity Editor: Entity forms which were deleted still exist in DB and were included in count of license entity form limit. Now forms with value -1 in DB will be excluded from the limitation.


Document & Export templates

Document and Export templates: added support for docm and xlsm files


NSP Chat

Implementation of NSP Chat



SCIM - Implementation of Client and mapping



API: Performance improvement when using API Keys



API: Improvements for managing links and relationships for tickets and CIs




REQ0013362, REQ0017145

Entity Editor

Entity editor, Ticket forms: HTML fields marked as "Info fields" in Enduser ticket forms could not display bullet points in SSP


Entity Editor

SSP Ticket form - HTML Info field was not shown on SSP -> if no other ticket field was included in form


Entity Editor

Entity editor, forms: The "Mandatory" checkbox for field Requester was always marked in Agent form. (If you did not want the field to be mandatory, then you had to unmark the checkbox every time you re-saved the form)


Entity Editor

AP Ticket form: It was not possible to leave date fields empty if they were shown because of visibility conditions


Entity Editor

SSP: Multiselect fields had transparent color so that the background color was shown in the field values


Entity Editor

AP Ticket form: Attachments were erroneously placed on left side if using user profile setting "Description expanded by default". This also caused other fields to be positioned incorrectly.


Agent Portal

AP Ticket form, Advanced mode: The Refresh button at the top och the ticket form did not reload the comment flow with new comments from SSP or mail


Agent Portal

AP Ticket form: It was not possible to leave date fields empty if they were shown because of visibility conditions


Agent Portal

User profile: Time format was loaded with 12 hour format in a newly created user's user profile, even though default Time settings from Account Management was set to 24 hour format. (Note that a saved setting in user profile overrides the global default)

REQ0017408, REQ0017525

Report Templates

The 'Description' field is currently unavailable when creating report templates


Report Templates

The system crashes when attempting to create or choose a contract report template

REQ0016764, REQ0017493

Email Configuration

Email Configuration: When saving changes to the configuration, the SMTP checkbox could be erroneously activated even if you should not use SMTP


Extension Management

Email: It was not possible to receive .pfx files from incoming mail, when using "High security" in Extension Management



In worklog, in Additional charge, the formating number is changed after save. this happend just when you use danish language

REQ0017292, REQ0015181

Service catalog

SCO - Approver was set on reported by instead of person who was order for someone else (On behalf of).


Service catalog

SC - There was no space between checkbox and text


Service catalog

SC - Properties lost translation.


Approval Flows

Approval flow - No products were listed in email if tag list order items was used.


Order Management

Order managment - View remark did not work for anyone.



Triggers: System field CI - loading of CI's in dropdown - only few CI's will be preloaded but you can search by entering the CI name

REQ0017484, REQ0017565


Triggers: Sometimes when you opened or created a trigger, the comboboxes could not be loaded correctly and were left empty. Workaround was to empty the system cache.


Entity Jobs

Entity jobs: When scheduling jobs, day and month could be switched around for some languages/settings. The result might not even be a valid date.


CI Overview

CI views - Comma was not displayed in CI view when using Danish language.



Announcements: Scrollbar added to "Contents" tab in "Announcement" form in Agent portal. (Readonly mode)

REQ0016665, REQ0016590

System log

System log: When changing settings for System logs, this was erroneously logged as "Update GDPR settings (Post is deleted from database)"


SSP, Ticket Views

SSP Ticket views: Name configuration for Requester was not applied correctly for some configurations. (Fields swapped places with each other)


SSP, knowledgebank

In SSP, the KB search doesn't show results until you press ENTER. This has been changed to a dropdown list that displays results as you type.


SSP, knowledgebank

KB: When searching for specific keywords, the displayed results may not always be the most relevant.


SSP, Orders

Cart - Set approver in cart was not mandatory to fill in if user clicked on order.



API: When creating comments on an existing ticket, the API user was set as the creator of comments instead of the user set in the field CreatedById for the respective comment in the API call saveentity